18. The Storm

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Aang's POV

I was flying on Appa and to my right Sokka was flying on my glider. This has to be a dream I told myself. Sokka gave me a huge smile which I returned. On my left, Katara was riding on Momo and she waved at me and I waved back.

"We need you, Aang." She told me.

"I need you too." I told her and immediately the clouds darkened and huge storm clouds were heading our direction. " Be careful guys!" I shouted but when I looked around, Sokka and Katara had disappeared. No not this again. I got ready to turn Appa around. "Guys?" I called out .

Gyatso appeared in front of me. "Gyatso?"

"Why did you disappear Aang?" He asked.

"I didn't mean to." When I went to reach out to touch him he disintegrated into dust. We started to head into the large storm clouds.

" We need you Aang." I heard Katara and Gyatso say at the same time.

It started to rain heavily as I lost control of Appa. I screamed as we plunged into the ocean. I felt myself fall into the ocean floor and voices were all around me repeating the same sentence, ' we need you Aang.' As I almost reached the ocean floor until I saw Firelord Ozai engulfed in fire and I screamed and sat up quickly breathing heavily.

Momo who was had slept on me got startled and ran on Katara then Sokka waking them up. " What's going on? Did we get captured again? Is Taliya back?" He asked groggily with two weapons in hand.

"It's nothing. I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep." I laid back down and curled myself as I brought my knees to my chest.

"You don't have to tell me twice. " Sokka mumbled.

"Are you alright Aang?" Katara asked.

"I'm okay."

"You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately. You wanna tell me about it?"

"No. I think I just need some sleep." I replied.

"You guys wanna hear about my dream?" Sokka asked excitedly who I thought was asleep but after a few minutes he said, " It's okay. I didn't want to talk about it anyway." I heard Katara lay back down and I heard something land on me. I sat up again and found Kiki.

"Hey Kiki." She came and touched me with the end of her right wing. I saw a vision of Taliya in a fire nation room and after a few minutes Zuko opened the door. I gasped as the vision ended. "Guys, Zuko has Taliya!"

Taliya's POV

I was standing on the edge of the ship. The air smelt like rain. The rain was going to come in the afternoon, I could feel it. I watched as flock of birds passed us.

"There is a storm coming. A big one." Iroh stated.

"You're out of your mind Uncle. The weather is perfect, there's not a cloud in sight."

"Actually Zuko, your uncle is right." He frowned at me.

"A storm is approaching from the north." Iroh said as he looked at the skies, " I suggest we head Southwest." That suggestion just seemed to make Zuko angrier.

"We know the Avatar is heading North so we will do the same." He said in a commanding voice. I looked away . I didn't want him to ask me for the twentieth time why Aang was heading North. I looked at Iroh who looked up at Zuko sadly.

"Prince Zuko consider the safety of the crew." He said calmly but seriously.

"The safety of the crew doesn't matter." He shouted at Iroh just as lieutenant Jee walked in.

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