70. The Boiling Rock part two

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I made sure Zuko and Suki got back in their cells. Sokka went to go check on his father. I walked back to the balcony waiting for Sokka to come back so that he could tell what was next. I was glad that we had found Sokka's dad. I didn't know that he had been guilty about the invasion. I was so wrapped in my emotions that I had forgotten about Sokka's. He was always so good at hiding his emotions that sometimes that I didn't knew what he was feeling. I felt fingers brush on my fingers and I turned to Sokka. I smiled.

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, he doesn't look hurt. He did just 'disrespect' the warden." Sokka said excitedly. I smiled. Someone could tell that he was proud of his father.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked.

"I'm going to talk to him. I'm pretty sure he'll come up with a plan." Sokka said and I nodded. We held hands until we got back in the building. I followed Sokka's lead to his cell. He didn't take long. After five minutes, he was out and we headed towards Zuko's cell. There wasn't a lot of guards because most of them were dealing with Chit Sang and his friends. "Zuko, are you there?"

"I'm here." Zuko said as we heard him get closer to the door.

"I just got done talking to my dad. We came up with an escape plan together." Sokka started. I was waiting to hear it hopefully it was as easy as the last one.

"What do you think you're doing here?" A male guard asked. Him and Soushi came towards us. I looked at them calmly and bored as I leaned on the wall. I didn't know what to say but I was ready to take action into my hands if I had to.

"I was just telling this dirty lowlife what I think of him!" Sokka shouted as he said in the most arrogant voice he could come up with. I tried not to giggle at how stupid it sounded but they bought it.

"Well, you'll have to do that later. He's coming with us." The male guard said.

"Why?" Sokka asked.

"Because we have orders straight from the warden, that's why." Soushi said in the most rudest way possible.

"You know Soushi, you did not have to sound that rude. "I lifted up my mask and rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh hey Akari." She said with a smile. "Sorry about that." I tried to breath calmly. The more we talked to them the more we risked our identities being discovered.

"Can I get ten more seconds to rough him up a bit?" Sokka asked. Soushi agreed. Thank Agni I knew her.

"Fine. Ten seconds." She said with a smile. Then she turned to me once Sokka was inside. "I see your friend like his job."

"Yeah Lee loves beating up people." I said with a grin. After ten seconds they went in and took Zuko out. I was worried. What were they going to do to him? Did Chit Sang reveal our identities? Did the Firelord know that he was here? Sokka came out and we walked away. "So what's the plan?"

"We're escaping through the gondola. We're going to take a hostage with us. The warden." He said with a confident smile.

"What about the guards?" I asked.

"We're going to start a prison riot!"

" Okay,that sounds exciting." I said as we walked to Suki's cell. Once we got there I got in and explained the plan to her. But as soon as I finished I heard some guards take Sokka away.

"Oh no. What do we do now?' Suki asked.

"I don't know. Just meet us in the yard in an hour. I have to find Sokka and see if we got caught or not." I told Suki. I got out quietly and followed them as they as took him to a platform where other men with the same hairstyle ,a man bun, where standing straight. The warden was there with Chit Sang who was tied up. I gasped. I knew he would rat us out. They had probably already tortured him. He didn't know at us all so there was no reason for him to not rat us out. I watched from afar as the warden talked a little then Chit Sang stepped forward. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until he pointed to the guard that was bullying him yesterday. I watched as Sokka walked away quickly and I walked towards him. "What's the plan?"

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