67. To forgive or to not forgive

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I have a question. Who do you think Taliya should end up with?

Breathe in.

Feel the air as it surrounds you, it listens to your soul.

The air carries the scent of everything around you.

Hear the birds as they sing their morning praise.

Breathe out.

You are calm.

Repeating Iris' words was not helping as Aang and I were meditating in front of Yangchen. I could feel the sunlight through my eyelids. It was somehow rejuvenating. Meditating here made me feel as if Avatar Yangchen was watching me. She was one of the Avatars that people considered her a deity. She was a amazing example for the female airbenders that had lived in the eastern and western air temples. Aang had told me that sometimes he still prayed to her that way I did to Agni and sometimes Iris. Although Iris was mostly like a spiritual mother to me. The more I kept on trying to meditate the more I realized I couldn't relax.

I opened my eyes and Aang did so as well. I gasped. "How did you....?"

"When you're meditating you become one with the nature. That's if you let yourself go of all your thoughts and concentrate on the sunlight, the air, everything around us." Aang said. He really did amaze me. He was three years younger than me yet he was way more wiser than me.

"Thanks for the meditating session. I hope we can do this everyday." I told Aang then bowed to him.

"You're welcome." He said with a bright smile as he stood up bowed to me. The meditating sessions were at least keeping me a little calm. Also every time Aang meditated I could feel his spiritual presence grow. He really did help me. When I left I saw him, he was staring at the paintings of past air avatars. I hoped that one day the air nomads would come back, enough fill the temples. I put my shoes back on before walking out of the sacred room. Then there he was all up in my personal space. I took three steps back.

"Leave me alone." I told Zuko as I started to walk away but he grabbed my hand. I gave him a cruel smile. "I will break your hand."

He let go. "Okay, I'm sorry but we need to talk."

"No we don't." I told him as I started to walk away.

"Please Taliya, I can't keep living like this. I don't want you to be mad at me. " Zuko said as he followed me. I was not going to forgive him. "I love you." He said. I stopped. How could he say such a thing? I ran away for a good thirty minutes before I finally reached Sokka's room. It looked like he was just waking up. His hair which had grown a lot was done out of its ponytail and he was shirtless. Before he could say anything I went to hug him as my tears silently fell of my face. He hugged me back tightly.

"Is it Zuko?" He asked.

"Yeah, he doesn't know how agonizing it is for me not to kill him. It's worse now that's he's here." I told him as I let go of him and went to sit on his bed. Sokka joined me.

"You'll just have to keep on fighting it." Sokka encouraged me.

"I know." I said with a frown. "But today he came up and told me that he loves me. How crazy is that?"

Sokka's face quickly turned to a frown. "He did what?

"Yeah Zuko told me he loves me." I told him. He looked like he was seriously thinking about something now. "But I don't. I wished he stopped bothering me. I am trying to keep a level head." I said and Sokka nodded but he didn't look at me. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." He said seriously.

"Really?" I said as I leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the lips. He looked at me then smiled.

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