74. Sozin's comet Part 3:

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No one had really said much as we headed towards the island where the air ships fleets were stationed. We had all told stories yesterday but today, today was the day the world would be saved or burnt down to the ground by Ozai and my nation. If we lost, there was no way I could see us coming from back from this. Millions would be dead and most of the Earth Kingdom would be just barren and ash. We could see the comet once we woke up in the morning. It made the sky have different hues of red and orange that seemed unsettling yet beautiful.

We had been on the eel hound for a few hours and I was shocked that Suki actually spoke. "It's weird to say but the comet actually looks beautiful."

"Too bad the Firelord is about to use it to destroy the world." Toph said and I knew from her hands that were around my waist that she was terrified. We all were even though we didn't say anything. I had to remind myself on the daily that we were a bunch of kids and we were fighting for the world. I gasped once I saw the island in a distance. In a hour we arrived and we hopped off the eel hound quickly. We followed Sokka's lead as we climbed the cliff slowly. I was prepared for an attack but instead.... we saw the air ships leaving.

"We're too late! The fleet's already taking off." Sokka said I frowned. I could fly up there but I was sure that I couldn't carry them all.

"Then we're taking off too. Where's the closest airship?" Toph asked.

"Uh, Toph I don't like where you're going with this." I told her but she ignored me.

"It's right ." Sokka started but we were blasted in the air as Toph bended the ground that shot us to the air.

"Your turn!" Toph shouted and I quickly turned indigo and guided all of us to nearest air ship. Using a stolen layout of the place, we headed towards the wheelhouse where the captain of the ship was supposed to be stationed. We waited outside while Toph was the one to take them out. I wanted to help but she insisted I save my energy for the Firelord.

"That's how you do it." Toph bragged and I gave her a small smile.

"Good work Toph." Sokka congratulated her. "Time to take control of the ship. Take the wheel." Sokka told Suki but Toph thought otherwise.

"That's great. Let the blind girl steer the giant airship."

"I was talking to Suki."

"That makes a lot more sense." I sighed as I looked at them ready for the hard challenge ahead. Toph looked straight at me as if she knew what I was going to say.

"I'm going to leave now. Ozai is up ahead. I don't want him to burn anything at all. Even a tree. We're still above water so I'm going to give this a shot." I told them. Suki and Toph hugged me and I hugged them back. When Suki went back to steering the air ship, I took Sokka's hand and walked outside the wheelhouse. He gave me a small smile as I looked into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"We're going to see each other after this. I have a good feeling about this." Sokka said. He sounded positive but I knew what he was really feeling.

"Well if we die, we die heroes. I guess that matters right?" I said as I tried to make dying not sound so bad. On the day of black sun, we were both ready to die. Now....it was like we both didn't. I wanted to know what bothered Sokka so much. I could hear a faint whisper in the back of my head, probably Kiki, whispering Zuko but I didn't believe it. I knew it felt as if we were together but not together but I wanted it to change immediately the war was over. I wanted to spend months with him. I wanted to go back to the Western air temple days. It was easy and fun even though we had the burden of all of our friends getting captured. I was always used to sneaking into Sokka's room at night or sometimes he would surprise me in the morning and light up my day.

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