It had been two weeks since I had arrived at my father's harbour. The days were usually boring and the only time I had fun was when I talked to Kuzon. I stood by the Agni Kai arena waiting for my trainer to show up. I looked at the sea to see all my father's ships. He had told me a few days back that one day I would control all these ships if I worked hard enough. I frowned when he told me that. He had probably told my brother the same thing. Very few war officials were non benders and fewer were women. It was sad that my father believed that I was here to join the navy. But I was sure that he didn't expect much from me. As I was staring off at sea, a smaller ship came up to the harbour. It was completely damaged and it was a miracle that it could still move. I was bored so I thought I'd head over to it. I had only taken a few steps before I heard a voice call my name.
"Lady Taliya, what do you think you're doing?"
"Nothing Sifu Cheng." I turned and bowed to him. He did the same.
I followed him into the arena for training.
I walked down my ship wanting to meet the repairman. Uncle followed me from behind."Uncle,I want the repairs to be done as quickly as possible. I don't want to lose his trail."
"You mean the Avatar?"
I turned around angrily." Don't mention his name on these docks. Once word gets out he's alive,every firebender will be looking for him and I don't want anyone getting in the way."
"Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?"
Uncle and I got startled a bit but I didn't show it. I really hoped he didn't hear anything I said and I was not happy to see him. I hated him because of what he did to my friend." Captain Zhao." I growled.
"It's commander now. General Iroh, great hero of our nation."
"Retired general."
" The Firelord's brother and son are welcomed guests anytime. What brings you to my harbour?"
"Our ship is being repaired." Uncle said pointing to our ship.
"That's quite a bit of a damage."
I knew from his tone he was going to ask us what happened."You wouldn't believe what happened." I tried to think of a good lie but I couldn't think of one so I said" Uncle, tell Commander Zhao what happened."
"Yes I would do that. It was an unbelievable experience." He explained to Zhao then he muttered to me but I think Zhao heard."Did we crash or something?"
"Yes right into an Earth Kingdom ship."
Zhao didn't look convinced." You must regale me with all the thrilling details." I knew Uncle and I were pretty bad at lying but I wasn't going to talk to him.
"I'm sorry but we have to go."
"Prince Zuko, show some respect." Uncle scolded me and faced Zhao," We will be honored to join you. Do you have any jinseng tea? It's my favorite."
I growled as fire came out of my fingers and I started to follow them. I knew Zhao would ask about the Avatar and I knew I wasn't good in lying. My mind started trailing off to think about home. I had left my best friend there along with Mai. I had to think of a good lie that Zhao could believe.
We entered his tent and I sat down angrily. We were served tea and Zhao started explaining how my father was going to win the war. He knew that it was torturing me because I was sad and angry that I wasn't part of the plan. I would never admit that though. My thoughts came to a halt when a girl cartwheeled and rolled under the Spears that had been crossed to avoid anyone to pass. When she stood up straight, I was shocked beyond words.
"Iroh? Zuko?" She said to us smiling so brightly. I looked at her wanting to give her a smile but Zhao was here. She stared at me a little. I guess she was shocked to see the scar on my face. She then turned to face her father and bowed.
"Father, I am so sorry. I thought the guards were being stubborn. I will speak to you later."
"How about you stay? You would love to hear the plans we have to win the war." he said with a cruel smile.
"Thank you father." She said bowing lower than last time.
She sat by me and whispered to me."I'm so happy to see you Zuko." I watched as she looked at me, hesitant at first but then she took my right hand and intertwined our fingers, something we always did when we were younger. I smiled. "I missed you."she said more softly.
"I missed you too." I told her. I watched her smile brighten before she let go of my hand when her father turned around. I couldn't believe Taliya was here. I thought she hated her father. I wouldn't be surprised if her father had demanded her here. As she listened to her father, I couldn't help but stare at her. Three years had passed and she looked more beautiful than the last time I had seen her.
She had tied her long brown hair into a messy bun and her beautiful golden-brown eyes were looking at her father boringly. I knew I shouldn't have been thinking like this. She was my closest friend. And I had Mai waiting for me back home. I couldn't help but stare. She was beautiful. I could still her warm hand on mine. I glanced at my uncle who was smiling mischievously at me. I glared at him and decided to listen to some of the plans that Zhao was explaining.
After Zhao was done explaining,I told him" If my father thinks the world will follow him, he is a fool." I had seen the people out there. They hated the Fire Nation and either ran or fought when they saw us.
"Three years at sea have done nothing but to temper your tongue." Zhao said with a smirk.
Zhao sat down beside me and asked "So, how is your search for the Avatar going?"
Uncle, who was looking at all the weapons in the room, fell them over when he heard the question. Couldn't he be more obvious?
"I haven't found anything."
"What did you expect? The Avatar died a 100 years ago along with the other airbenders." He looked at me to see my facial expression but I decided to stay with a poker face. "Unless, he managed to live somehow?"
"No, nothing"
"Prince Zuko, if you have any honor left you'll tell me what you found"
"It's like you said the Avatar died 100 years ago." I stood up and headed towards the end of the entrance" Uncle let's go." As I reached the entrance, the guards ran with their spears. Another guard came in and said " Sir,we interrogated Prince Zuko's crew as you said. They did confirm that that the prince had him in custody but let him escape." Those traitors!
Zhao came up from behind slyly and said " So tell me again how was your ship damaged?"
Hey guys,
I'm trying my best to edit these chapters the best I can. I have to say this one was a tough one. I wrote this 5 years ago and by then I though I could write from a guy's point of view which I have realized I can't. You'll see this later on in the story.
I am really grateful for the 2k reads on this chapter! Thank you so much!
Edited on 5/8/23

Rainbow's Gift (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfic)
FanfictionLife in the Fire Nation isn't easy. Especially when your father is a commander. After her brother's death, Taliya decided that she needed to do something about the war. So she escaped so she could do something good for the benefit of others. On the...