39. The Desert

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The sun was blazing above us as the truth sunk into our minds. Appa was stolen meaning we had no food, no water and no means of getting anywhere. The winds were now blowing as sand entered our eyes. All we could see from where we stood was sand, sand and sand.

"How could you let them take Appa? Why didn't you stop them?" Aang screamed at Toph.

"I couldn't. The library was sinking and you guys were still inside...." Toph started to say. I didn't think I thanked her enough for saving us. I knew Aang was hurt but he too should have been grateful for us not dying. He walked up to Toph and shouted,

"You could have come to get us. We could have saved him."

"Aang!" I called out. I wanted to tell him that by then we were probably being chased by Wan Shi Tong but Toph shouted,

"I can hardly feel any vibrations out here. The sandbenders snuck up on me and there wasn't time..."

"You just didn't care! You never liked Appa and you wanted him gone!"

"Aang stop it. You know Toph did all she could." Katara said as she defended Toph and stopped Aang from blowing her head off. If the situation wasn't serious, I could have congratulated her on being on Toph's side for once but I  watched silently." She saved our lives."

"Who's gonna save our lives now? We will never make it out of here." Sokka said. He had been awfully quiet, staring at the sand beyond.

"That's all any of you guys think about, yourselves! You don't care whether Appa is okay or not." Aang shouted as he walked away from us.

"Of course we care Aang but we cannot just keep sitting here worrying about Appa. We'll die if we don't get out of here." I shouted back at him.

"We can't afford to be fighting now." Katara said.

"I'm going after Appa." He said as he opened his glider.

"Wait!" I shouted as I ran to him. But he flew off and we watched as soared in the sky and disappeared.

"We better start walking. We're the only people who know about the solar eclipse. We have to get that information to Ba Sing Se." Katara said. We all agreed silently. I wasn't suppose to think negatively but I wondered: when were we ever going to get to Ba Sing Se?

"You think if we dig up the giant owl he'll give us a ride?" I laughed at this and I glanced at him. Like seriously? The happiness was short-lived as we walked through the desert. I was completely sweating and I was sure that I'd be the water tribe siblings skin colour by the time we found shade.

I turned around when I heard Sokka and Toph bump into each other. " Can't you watch....."

"No." Toph said blandly. Sokka apologized and Katara urged us on.

"C'mon guys we have to stick together."

"If I sweat anymore, I don't think sticking together would be a problem." Sokka said sarcastically. I put Kiki on my head to at least give me some shade but she refused and continued to sit on my shoulder.

"Katara, can I have some water?" Toph asked.

"Me too." I added. My throat was on fire.

"Okay but we've gotta try and conserve it." She bended water from her pouch and into all of our mouths. It tasted...swampish.

"We're drinking your bending water?" Sokka seemed to say as he seemed to want to get a taste of it." You used this on the swamp guy!"

"Oh yuck." I did drink it though. Who knew when we'd drink water again.

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