WhatC'mon just tell me!"
"You're so unfair."
"That's not my fault."
For the past week, Jin had been disturbing me continuously. She wanted to know why I hated Jet so much but I just couldn't bring myself to talk about it. Part of me thought that she cared but another part of me thought she wanted to know because she had a crush on him. I wasn't sure but I think all the girls even the women had a crush on him. I could see why Katara liked him. He was such a ladies' man and it was annoying.
People thought the reason why I hated him was because I was his ex-girlfriend. It was so annoying because Hina kept on asking if I still had feelings for him. It was angering me but I had to keep my anger down. I was avoiding everyone as much as I could.
I realized the only person I could kind of tolerate was Jin. She was sweet and funny. Her brown hair was uncombable but she managed it in a ponytail. She had brown eyes which she said weren't beautiful enough because mine almost looked like solid gold. I told her she was beautiful too. I hoped she believed me. I didn't like it when people put themselves down.
"Hey, ladies." Jet said as he passed us but when he realized it was me he was greeting, he walked faster.
"Hi, Jet!" Jin said waving as he left then asked me, "Do you think he noticed me?"
"I don't think so. He was more scared of me."I said. I wasn't happy. I didn't want anyone to be scared of me. I never thought Jet would be scared of me. The last time I remembered he was a leader of the freedom fighters if they were fighting for freedom. But then I wasn't looking devilish at the time and I didn't bend any element." I wish he wasn't scared of me."
"Then go talk to him," Jin suggested.
"No, I'm scared I might kill him, "I said as I looked anywhere else but her.
"What's up with your......I don't know how to say it. I can't call it bending because your hair and eyes turned grey."
I sighed as I started to speak. "Each time I turn a different color of the rainbow, I'm granted a new power. Red is for firebending......."
"Like green would be for earth bending. What about yellow?"
"Controlling the weather. I think. I bent a cloud when my hair turned yellow."
"That's so cool!" Jin said and I laughed.
"Yeah, it is at some point. But the horrible part is that if I get too angry or sad, my hair and eyes turn grey like storm clouds. It isn't a good thing because if I stay in that state for long, I would become dark. I'd lose my personality. I won't be doing things for good anymore. I might go back and join the Fire Nation. Who knows? And that's what scares me every day as I go to sleep, that I might wake up and hurt my friends."
"I'm sorry," Jin said as she put her hand on my shoulder for comfort.
"Don't apologize. It is what it is." I said as I looked off into the mini-field where the kids were playing. Sometimes I wished I wasn't the rainbow sylph.
The next day was tiring. I was teaching some of the kids mathematics and not all of them were getting it. I knew you had to go easy on them but my patience was wearing out. But what made my day more scary was Jet walking up to me, telling me he wanted to ask me something.
"Could I walk you home?" He asked, and I being me was trying to think of something to say without insulting him or thinking about the horrible things he has done.

Rainbow's Gift (Avatar The Last Airbender Fanfic)
FanfictionLife in the Fire Nation isn't easy. Especially when your father is a commander. After her brother's death, Taliya decided that she needed to do something about the war. So she escaped so she could do something good for the benefit of others. On the...