19. The Blue Spirit

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I sat down staring at the ruins before me. It seemed like it was going to rain again which meant we couldn't fly for some time. I buttoned up the coat I had with some money that I had found in my Fire Nation clothes. I guessed Zuko put it there. Sokka's coughing made me stand and head towards the water tribe siblings.

"He's not getting any better." I observed as I watched Katara wipe sweat off Sokka's forehead.

"Isn't it obvious? What do you see?" Katara said sourly but before I could retort back, Sokka spoke,

"Do you know what I love about Appa the most? His sense of humour." I sighed. This sickness was making Sokka talk rubbish. Some of it was funny.

"That's nice. " Katara replied. "I'll tell him." Appa growled and Sokka laughed.

"Classic Appa." He said. Aang came back and as I could tell, his search for ginger root didn't go well.

"How's Sokka doing?" He asked.

"Not so good. Being out in that storm really did a number on him." I started to wonder why did I didn't get sick. I guessed it was my hair changing colours but it didn't mean anything. I hadn't told anyone about it.

"I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea but I found a map. There's a herbalist on top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there." I knelt down by Aang and looked at the map.

"We'll be there like in five minutes." I said cheerfully.

" Aang, Taliya. " She said my name like it was venom, " Sokka's in no condition to travel. He just needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow." She started to cough violently. I cheered internally. Maybe she would stop being a pain in my butt.

"No not you too." Aang said worriedly.

"Relax it was just a little cough." Then she coughed again.

"That's how Sokka started yesterday. Now look at him, he thinks he's an earthbender."

We all looked at Sokka. "Take that you rock." I sighed.

"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense too. I'm going to find some medicine." Aang took his glider and headed towards the opening of the building.

"I'm coming too." I told him.

"Taliya I think you should stay and take care of both Sokka and Katara." He said but there was no way I was staying with Katara. As he opened his glider, lightening shot out from the sky. " Maybe it's safe if I go on foot."

"And I'm still coming."


"You can go on your own but just know I'm right behind you." I said before he could say anything else.

"Fine but I'm going to carry you. I'm running."

"Okay." I said excitedly.

"Keep an eye on him guys." Appa growled and Momo chattered. I saw Kiki head towards me but I said,

"Please stay. I don't want something to happen to you." She gave me a sad look but flew away to Appa. Sokka laughed again.

"Appa you're killing me!" I frowned and before I knew it, Aang carried me and jumped from where we were. I closed my eyes as I felt my stomach lurch. I gripped on to the bow and arrows I had carried. I didn't think we need them but just for in case. I opened my eyes to see blurs of green, blue, grey and brown. I hoped this ended quickly.

After a minute, we started to head uphill. That's when I started to feel like I was going to vomit with all the wind crashing in my face. When Aang stopped I was happy but he continued and only put me down when he had entered some building. They were different types of plants around us. I felt something pass through my legs. I jumped only to find a cat whose fur was white as snow.

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