After the death of Sir Charles T. Hat, some of his engines have managed to be saved and have been put on a secret railway that is completely hidden from the rest of the world, and has all the supplies it needs. (Y/N) is the controller of the railway...
It was a wonderful summer day on Paradise Island. Betty and Jeffery were waking up their machines. "Wake up team!" said Betty, "(Y/N) is coming with a special announcement." George was grumpy. "I don't care what it is," he said to himself. (Y/N) came into the yard on Thomas, and she made her announcement. "Today," she said, "You will all begin work on the new race track for the first ever Paradise 800 race." The machines were excited. "Now that is something I would want to help with!" said George. "Indeed," said (Y/N), "You'll be needed along with Roley to help smooth out the pavement." Betty climbed on Scoop, and Scoop said, "CAN WE BUILD IT?" "YES WE CAN!" shouted the team. "Um, yeah, I think so," said Lofty. The machines then headed out, and they made it to the sight. Betty and Jeffery then pulled out a tablet, and they showed them the plans for the race track. "It seems big!" said Jack. "It will be," said Jeffery. "Say, why is the track tilted to the side a bit?" asked Muck. "Because the speed of the race cars creates much force pushing against them," said Betty, "and if they were racing around on a flat track, they could spin out of control."
Scoop, Jack, Muck, Alfie and Oliver dug up the foundation, and Muck, Max and Monty took the dirty away. Roley and George flattened the dirt out, while Kelly and Lofty lifted up beams to help support the asphalt. Dizzy looked at the track, and said, "Oh my, I don't think I can mix all the cement and asphalt!" "I can't believe I'm going to say this," said George, "but we may need help from the railway."
Meanwhile, Mallard was at Jack's Station, picking up passengers, when a horn was heard. He looked to see a very bright yellow race car.
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"G'day!" he said, "I'm Ace. This is Paradise Island, right?" "Yes it is," said Mallard, "I assume you're here for the Paradise 800, right?" "Indeed I am," said Ace. "I imagine you're stretching your wheels." "Yes." "Well, I am very fast as well. I hold the record for fastest steam engine in the world." Ace looked at Mallard, and laughed, "YOU?!? FASTEST STEAM ENGINE!?!?" Mallard felt insulted. "YES I AM!! Tell you what! First one to the next station, wins!" "You're on!" said Ace. The two got ready, and they waited for the guard to blow his whistle. It blew, and the two were off.
Mallard and Ace raced through the countryside. Ace was neck and neck to Mallard. "I'm impressed," said Ace, "You really know how to keep pace." Up ahead, there was a level crossing. Here's my chance! thought Mallard, I have the right of way, so Ace will have to stop, and I'll take the lead! Mallard started to go faster, but was surprised to watch Ace charge right through the crossing. Mallard braked hard, sparks flew from his wheels, and the passengers were bumped like potatoes in a sack! Mallard managed to stop, just mere inches from the gates. "WHAT THE SCRAP!?!?!" yelled Mallard, but Ace just raced away.
At the junction, Ace was waiting for Mallard, who was very cross. "What in the name of Sir Nigel Gresley were you thinking!?!?" yelled Mallard, "THAT, was very dangerous!! You could've hurt yourself very badly!!!" Ace just laughed, "You gotta live life a bit dangerously if you want excitement!" He then raced off, leaving a very steamed Mallard behind.
At Homestead Station, Mallard spoke with Thomas, James, and Emily. "That Ace is nothing but trouble!" he said. "So you've met Ace as well," said Emily. "Yes," said Mallard, "he took the right of way from me at the crossing!" "He did the same with me!" said Thomas. "If he keeps driving like that, he'll crash!" said James.
Ace was racing around, and he over took Bulgy, and nearly made him crash. Bulgy saw the race track, and saw Percy helping move trucks of mixed concrete, while Edman helped move asphalt. "That race car," said Bulgy, as he dropped off some needed work men, "Nearly made me crash off the road." Betty saw Bulgy sulking, and she asked him what was wrong. "There's a race car racing along the roads," said Bulgy. "Already?" asked Betty, "The race isn't even until next month."
Ace was currently racing around, and he saw Gordon coming down with the Non-Stop Express. He thought that he cold beat Gordon and take the right of way from him. But he was wrong. Ace raced through the gates, and Gordon crashed right through them, and he smashed into Ace, derailing, and the coaches followed.
Thomas and Percy arrived with the cranes, and (Y/N), who had some stern words for Ace. "So you are the one who's been so reckless," she said, "It is very dangerous to take the right of way from an engine like that! Engines are much bigger and heavier than cars, so if they were to crash, the car would be totaled, as you found out today! You must learn to be more careful! I do not appreciate cars challenging my engines to a race, and putting their passengers at risk! You're luck that there were only broken bones on the train, and nothing more!" "Y-Y-Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am," said Ace shamefully, as he was lifted up on a flatbed. His whole body was smashed up, and his doors and windows were broken. Gordon's buffers were also smashed up, and his front wheels were bent. "W-Will I be fixed in time for the Paradise 800?" asked Ace. "No," said (Y/N), "You'll be repaired when the race is in it's third race by my calculations. Not that it will matter. Because when you are repaired, I am sending you straight to a driving instructor so you can learn the rules of the road!" "Yes ma'am," said Ace. Thomas then look Ace away to the work shop.
Soon, the race track was built, and everyone was excited! "Oh boy!" said Muck, "This looks awesome!!!" "And to celebrate the grand opening," said Betty, "Jack, Scoop, Muck, Max and Monty, you all will be the first vehicles to test it out!" The machines were excited! "One lap around the whole track," said Jeffery. The machines got ready, and they waited for the flag to drop.
The flag flew, and they were off! Scoop held the lead, until Jack managed to speed up. Max and Monty were then in front, but then skidded off the track. Muck then rolled fast on the straight away. Scoop then over took Muck, and finished first! "Well done Scoop!" said Betty.
Three weeks later, Ace was driving at a slow pace. Slow for a race car. He saw Mallard at the Junction. "Well well well," said Mallard, "Taking things slow for a change? That's not what I thought would happen. Maybe you can become a taxi. Then maybe you can learn some sense." Before Ace could retort, Mallard steamed off laughing. Ace certainly had much to think about.