After the death of Sir Charles T. Hat, some of his engines have managed to be saved and have been put on a secret railway that is completely hidden from the rest of the world, and has all the supplies it needs. (Y/N) is the controller of the railway...
Henry was down with boiler ache, so Flying Scotsman had to do some of his jobs. "Disgraceful, disgraceful!" he said to himself. He soon arrived at the quarry, and he saw many engines working. Mavis then came up to Flying Scotsman, and said, "You must be Scotsman. It's nice to meet you. I've always wanted to meet the engine who broke the 100 speed limit." "Thank you," said Scotsman. Soon, Flying Scotsman was coupled to a train of stone. Unknown to him, Oltan Hall was coupled to the opposite end. Soon, both engines were told they could go, and they pulled. Flying Scotsman and Oltan Hall were pulling hard against each other, until, their couplings snapped, and Scotsman ran into trucks being loaded, while Oltan Hall nearly came off the rails. When the dust settled, Flying Scotsman was covered in quarry dust. "TRICKED YOU!!" said two voices. He looked to see two tank engines, both yellow.
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Just then, Edward came and said, "That's enough you two! Now, don't you have trucks to sort out?" "Yes Edward," said the first one. "We'll get on it," said the second one. "......WHEN PIGS FLY!!" The two then headed off laughing. Edward then came up to Flying Scotsman and said, "Don't mind them, that's just Bill and Ben. Their troublesome engines." "Oh, don't worry Edward, I will put those two in their place!" said Scotsman, "Now, what I'll do is-" "GET THAT IDEA OUT OF YOUR SMOKEBOX!" said Edward, "It really not a good idea to get on their level." Edward then puffed off, but Scotsman didn't listen. "I know how to deal with tank engines," he said, "Especially troublesome engines."
Soon, Scotsman saw the two engines talking. "Hello," he said, "You must be Bill and Ben." "Yes," said Bill. "I must say, that was a neat trick you pulled on me." "Thank you," said Ben, "It's not often that we get compliments on our tricks!" "Oh, I just remembered, (Y/N) has a special job that needs to be done, and she wants one of you to take it, and only one. It's at Homestead Station." Scotsman then puffed away with his trucks. "Obviously she wants me," said Ben. "No, she wants me," said Bill. The two engines then raced down the line, to the junction. There, they saw Thomas, and Thomas wondered what they were arguing about.
Soon, they arrived at Homestead Station, but in front of them was James and Diesel with goods. The twins were so busy arguing that they didn't see the two engines ahead of them, until it was too late. No one was hurt, but Bill, Ben, James and Diesel were all in a terrible mess. "YOU TWO TWINS!!" said James, "ALWAYS CAUSING TROUBLE!!" Soon, (Y/N) came out to see what the noise was. She saw the mess, and said, "WHAT IS GOING ON OUT HERE!?!?" "They were racing down the line, and crashed into us!" said Diesel. "Bill, Ben, explain yourselves!" "I was trying to get to the special job you had for me!" said Bill. "No, it was for me!" said Ben. "No, it's for me!" "No, me!" "No, me!" "Wait, what special job?" asked (Y/N). "The special job that you wanted only one of us to do. Flying Scotsman told us about it." "Hmmm," said (Y/N), "Perhaps I should talk with Scotsman."
She did, when he returned to the sheds that night. "It was to pay Bill and Ben out!" said Scotsman, "They played a trick on me, so I played a trick on them!" "I know how it is like to be the victim of a prank," said (Y/N), "but retaliating like you did is not acceptable. If something like that happens, you should tell me." "I tried to warn him not to sink to their level," said Edward. "Exactly! You should also listen to older engines, they have more experience than you have." "Y-yes ma'am," said Scotsman.
So, Scotsman was stuck with goods trains until Henry got better. He went to the quarry, and saw Bill and Ben. "I'm sorry I played a trick on you two." he said sadly. "We are too," said Ben, "But I just want you to know......... IT WAS ALL BILL'S IDEA!" "What!?!" exclaimed Bill, "No it wasn't, you were the one who suggested it!" "Well you were the one who said 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'" "No I didn't!" "Yes you did!" "No I didn't!" "Did!" "Didn't" "Did!" "Didn't!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" "Did too!" "Did not!" Flying Scotsman had to laugh. "You two remind me of when Gordon and me were younger. We used to argue endlessly about everything!" "Do tell us!" said the twins. Soon, they were all exchanging stories with each other, (start video) and become good friends.