All i want is you

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it was a Saturday afternoon Spencer was staying at the bakers house for the weekend with Olivia, Jordan and Simone. Jimone was downstairs watching tv while Spencer and liv were alone upstairs in the room watching coming to America . "God I love this movie" said Olivia "right I can never get tired of it" Spencer chuckled

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick " said Olivia getting up "ight" Spencer replied

While liv was in the bathroom she looked down and noticed that she was wet "oh shit" she whispered before wiping her self once she finished she went back in her room with Spencer

"you good ?" He asked i mean yea consider the fact that you got me wet from literally doing nothing she said in her head before saying "yeah, all good " she smiled with him nodding

once the movie finished, they were both on the bed chilling on there phones until Spencer wanted to do something fun with liv

he took her phone away from her with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "give me my phone back Spencer" she said trying to get her phone back with him teasing her "I'll give it back to you if you come in the pool with me" he said "Spencer it's late you really want to go in the pool right now...and I'm pretty sure the water is cold too" liv said

"and I'm pretty sure you have a hot tub and it's not even that late liv" Spencer said "ugh fine, leave so that i can change " she said "okay liv I'll be waiting " he chuckled as he walked out the door

Liv finally got into her swimsuit she was wearing a all black bikini that made her breast pop a bit , she walked down the stairs with a towel wrapped around her and headed out the door

Spencer was facing the other way but once he turned around liv removed her towel, his mouth dropped as he was at lost of words. Olivia started blushing as she sat on the edge of the pool just putting her feet in

"so you not gon get in" he asked as soon as he said that she got in the pool facing him "I'm in now, happy? "she said sarcastically with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully saying "yes actually I am, but liv I gotta tell you sum" liv was nervous to hear what he was going to say but she nodded

"I'm in love with you liv,I always wanted to be with you but it was like you kept avoiding me and there was so much things in the way but I hope that yo-" before he could finished his sentence liv kissed him passionately with him kissing her back sucking on her tongue causing her to let out a soft moan before pulling away "Spencer I've always been in love with you ever since you came to Beverly, Ive only gotten deeper since and I never meant to avoid or brush you off , it was just a lot going on at the time I was always caring about other opinions and I wasn't thinking about my happiness and what I wanted...I also felt like i wasn't good enough for you and that i was a screw up"she said as she started to tear up with Spencer wiping her tears " liv you are not a screw up, you are more than enough baby" he said

"do you really mean that?" Liv asked "of course  I mean it , liv you are the one for me...when I'm around you I feel like a better man , I feel happy and loved " Spencer said as he started to tear up with liv blushing and tears welling up in her eyes , she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly

" I think it's time to get out I'm getting tired" Olivia said with her head on his chest "okay baby" he said making his way out of the pool carrying her bridal style to her room laying her down on her bed before he got in laying next to her staring at her like she's the most beautiful woman in the world

"Spencer.." Olivia said "yes liv?" "I love you" she said "I love you more liv " Spencer said with him kissing her head softly with liv blushing
okay well there's my first chapter I hope you all enjoyed if you have any requests please comment❤️!

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