listen to me

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when Rochelle barged into her room with Spencer and Olivia quickly pulling the covers over them "hi besties , can I join?" Rochelle said in excitement with Spencer and Olivia just staring at her disgusted "get the hell out" Olivia said rasing her tone  "but I just got here , the party is just getting started" Rochelle said while smirking before she started to undress herself

"Bitch put your clothes back on " olivia demanded with Rochelle ignoring her still undressing herself with Spencer Turing his head "I SAID PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON" Olivia yelled causing Laura to hear her before she walked up the stairs and went in liv's room . with her eyes widened when she opened the door seeming Rochelle half naked " honey what's going on?" Laura asked " this bitch is crazy mom , she throws rocks at my window , she stalks me and now she's trying to get in bed with me and Spencer " Olivia said with Laura taking a deep sigh "ma'am I don't know what she's talking ab-" Rochelle said before Laura cut her off "I think it would be best if you leave" Laura said with Rochelle frowning "but I-" Rochelle said before Olivia cut her off " bitch put your clothes on and leave" Olivia said with Rochelle doing as she said before leaving "thanks mom" Olivia said "of course honey " Laura said before walking out with Olivia looking over at Spencer and noticed that he was sleeping with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully before laying down

It was the next morning and Olivia woke up to her phone Blowing up , she looked at her phone and saw a whole bunch of messages from Rochelle

I'm sorry about last night
I was drunk
Talk to me
You know I love you right ??
Text me back ??
My girlll
I miss youu
Answer me !!!!

Me : you know I could put you in jail right?

Roachell : you wouldn't lol😂

Me : i would , my mom is the D.A

Rochelle : liv please don't ..

Me : then stay the hell away from me and Spencer, cause If you don't I promise you that you will be in jail

Once Olivia sent that message she blocked Rochelle , with Spencer waking up "good morning baby" Spencer said in a deep voice with Olivia being turned on "good morning sexy" Olivia said before kissing him passionately with Spencer pulling away "why'd you pull away ?" Olivia said narrowing her eyebrows " because your breath stinks " Spencer joked "shut up" Olivia said hitting his arm playfully

Few hours went by and Olivia and Spencer were at the mall in the food court " so this morning I texted Rochelle telling her to stay away from me and you" Olivia before taking a bite of her food "oh shit , what did she say?" Spencer asked with Olivia pulling out her phone showing Spencer the messages "damn" Spencer said "yeah, hopefully she stays away from us because if she doesn't there will be problems " Olivia said with Spencer knowing she meant every word

Spencer and Olivia were now inside of the pool making out when Rochelle jumped out of a bush in a bear costume with Olivia and Spencer jump scaring "got you" Rochelle said while laughing before taking off her costume leaving her in a swim suit with Olivia's blood boiling and liv getting out of the pool walking to Rochelle grabbing her by and hair dragging her with Rochelle crying and Spencer trying his best not to laugh "bitch didn't I tell you to stay away from me and Spencer ? " Olivia said having Rochelle's head above the water " i-" before Rochelle could say anything Olivia pushed her head in the water for 7 long seconds before pulling her out "DIDNT I TELL YOU I COULD PUT YOU IN JAIL" Olivia yelled "yes but i-" Rochelle said with Olivia pushing her head in the water for 14 long seconds before pulling her up "what I want you to do now is wait here until my mom gets home so that she could have you arrested" Olivia said with Rochelle gasping for air before nodding "baby hand me my phone " Olivia said before standing up with Rochelle pushing her in the water "BITCH" Olivia said with Rochelle on top of Olivia pushing her under the water with Spencer swimming quickly towards them before pushing Rochelle off of Olivia "what the hell is wrong with you?" Spencer said with Rochelle laughing with Spencer getting Olivia out of the water "imma kill this bitch" Olivia said getting up with Spencer taking a deep sigh

Rochelle was about to get inside her car when Olivia ran up to her grabbing her hair and dragging her back to the pool and pushing her head in the water "LISTEN TO ME AND LISTEN TO ME GOOD BITCH DO SOME STUPID SHIT LIKE THAT TO ME AGAIN AND I PROMISE THAT YOU WILL DEAD" Olivia yelled with Rochelle's head still in the water before Olivia pulled her back up aggressively causing Rochelle's neck to snap . Laura walked inside her house and saw Olivia outside with Rochelle with Olivia walking towards her "take her jail mom" Olivia said "honey I don't have that type of power" Laura said " I don't care mom , just take her to jail or have that bitch move far away from me" Olivia said before walking off with Laura looking at Rochelle

Spencer was sitting on Olivia's bed when Olivia walked in "well that was crazy" Spencer said with Olivia not saying anything and getting on her phone before Spencer took her phone from her hand with Olivia getting mad "give it back" Olivia said "baby are you okay?" Spencer asked "I'm fine Spencer, just exhausted from almost killing a bitch " Olivia said with Spencer giving her phone back before he turned the tv on

welp I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter🤍

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