coming for you

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A week has gone by since liv visited Spencer, liv was chilling at her house with Jordan and her mom watching movies and playing games "so you and Spencer " Laura said with liv blushing " mom your so late" Jordan laughed "my bad my bad " Laura said smiling

"sooo y'all are a th-" Laura said before she got cut off  "yes mom me and Spencer are dating and he makes me very happy " liv said frustrated "uhh liv you good?" Jordan said "yeah yeah I'm cool " she said "well I'm happy that your happy Olivia , Spencer is a good man for you" Laura said rubbing her daughters back "yes he is" liv said while blushing looking down

Spencer decided to surprise Olivia since he hasn't seen her in a week . He picked up his phone and face timed her with her answering "hey Spencer " liv said looking down "you good baby " he asked

"just these random mood swings one minute I'm happy next I'm pissed " liv replied while rubbing her eyes "I'm sorry baby , If it helps I have a surprise for you tomorrow " Spencer said while smiling "oooh a surprise ? " liv said getting excited "yes baby a surprise" he said "well I can't wait" liv said "I can't wait to see your reaction I just know your going to love it" Spencer said smiling "duh , anyways I'm going to go on a jog I'll call you in a few hours baby" liv said "okay, be safe and have your phone on you , crazy shit happens out here" he said "okay I will , I love you " liv said blowing him a kiss "love you too baby" Spencer said before hanging up

liv got dressed and told her mom and brother she was going on a jog "okay liv be safe, I'm serious " Jordan said "I will " she says headed for the door

Liv was joggjng for a few minutes and she felt like she was being followed next thing she knows Layla runs up to her saying "hey Olivia"

"so you here to get your ass beat? cause I got time today " Liv said stopping "ahh I'm so scared" Layla said sarcastically with liv going up to Layla but Layla pushed her down  , got on top of her with Olivia trying to punch her but Layla kept dodging her punches "good night druggie" Layla said  as she injected Olivia with her passing out and Layla giving Olivia one good punch in her stomach and ran away laughing

(30 minutes later) Laura had a bad feeling about Olivia , she told Jordan to come with her they were headed for the door and got in her car and drove around trying to find Olivia finally they found Olivia laying on the floor not moving "oh my God " Laura said getting out her phone out and calling an ambulance

the ambulance got there quick and drove Olivia to the hospital with Laura and Jordan in the car with her crying

Spencer came running in the hospital yelling "where is she?? , is she okay ?? I need to see her" grace tried calming him down but he kept yelling and freaking out  Laura went up to him "Spencer she's okay she's just resting she got drugged , I don't know who could of done this" Laura said getting emotional Spencer started putting pieces together and realized who did it "it was Layla" Spencer said getting angry and emotional "Layla are you sur-" Laura said before getting cut off "Yes it was Layla , that girl is jealous of me and liv together , she wants me back but I don't want her at all" Spencer said leaving Laura shocked

Spencer then went up to a nurse asking if he could see his girlfriend "yes room 306" the nurse said with him nodding

He made his way to the room and started crying "baby are you okay ? I can't believe Layla did this to you" he said getting emotional "I'm alright just tired and did you just say Layla did this ?" Liv asked with Spencer nodding "oh I'm gonna kill this bitch " liv said trying to get out of the bed with Spencer stopping her "baby relax not right now " Spencer said "how long am I staying in here ?" Liv said frustrated "2 days " Spencer said "so that means no surprise for me huh?" Liv said with tears welling up in her eyes "no baby , I actually brought it with me" Spencer said pulling out a necklace with her name on it "I was going to plan a dinner with you and then give you the necklace , but now that Layla wants to act up , I want to give it to you now" Spencer said while crying "baby I love it" liv said getting emotional "but I wasn't supposed to give it to you this way, this is all my fault  " Spencer said wiping his tears "baby it's okay , and it is not your fault at all I will deal with Layla's bitch ass later" liv said with Spencer going up to her and hugging her

"bae don't do nothing too crazy " he said "I won't " liv said lying knowing she is about to teach Layla a lesson once she gets out of this hospital

aww poor liv , and layla  is definitely going to get her ass dealt with , anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter <3

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