making up

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Olivia woke up in a good mood and decided to do something sweet for Spencer, she was going to make a photo album of her and Spencer and make him dinner . She got herself ready and was heading out of her bedroom door when she got a text from Asher

a mistake : can we talk ?

Olivia : um why?

a mistake : look outside your window

Olivia looked out her window and saw asher standing outside with flowers in his hand smiling with Olivia giving him a straight face before walking downstairs going outside

"what the hell are you doing" Olivia said looking at him like he's crazy  "I figure I make things right between us " asker said trying to grab her hand but Olivia backed up "I have a boyfriend Asher" Olivia said with Asher sighing "let me guess it's Spencer" Asher said "correct" she said before walking away " Im not giving up on us" Asher said with Olivia giving him the middle finger still walking away

Olivia got inside her car playing music while heading to the store , she picked up her phone and decided to call Spencer and tell him what happened earlier"hey" Spencer said "hey baby , how are you?" Olivia asked "I'm good , what about you , you don't sound to happy " Spencer said with Olivia sighing "I have to tell you something" Olivia said "anything, what's up?" Spencer said "Asher showed up to my place and before you say anything I did NOT invite him , he texted me asking if we could talk and I said why and then he said look out your window and when I looked out my window, I saw him outside holding flowers I went down stairs and went outside mad as hell and asked him what the hell are you doing here and he's like I figure I make things right between us and the-" Olivia said before Spencer saying "and what the hell did you say?" "baby let me finish, and then I said I have a boyfriend and he's like let me guess it's Spencer and I said correct and then I walked away and then this man had the audacity to say , I'm not giving up on us and then I flipped him off still walking away" Olivia said while not getting a response from Spencer "hello?? Do you hear me?" Liv said with Spencer sighing

"wow" he said "baby I hope you know that I would never ever cheat on you if that's what your thinking" Olivia said "I know Olivia , but it's not just that it's the fact that he brought you flowers and is going to anything to get you back" Spencer said "baby I didn't tell him to do that , but yes I completely understand what your saying " Olivia said "ok bye" Spencer said hanging up quick leaving Olivia surprised

"I know this man did not just hang up on me" Olivia mumbled

Olivia got out of the store and drove off while she was in the car she decided to text Spencer

Olivia : you know I love you right? And I'm going to prove it in case you don't believe me . Be ready by 7 I'm having Jordan pick you up.

My world : 👍🏾

Olivia : are you mad at me or something? Because if anything you should be mad at Asher not me

My world : I'm just frustrated right now liv , but sure I'll be ready by 7

Olivia : *read*

Olivia got out of her car and went to her room printing the pictures out and putting them in the photo album while playing music . Once she was done she wrapped it up and put it on her bed and texted Spencer

Olivia : can't wait to see you baby🥰

My world : k

Jordan picked Spencer up at his house "hey j" Spencer said while getting in his car and closing the door "hey man, Olivia told me what happened early" Jordan said with Spencer looking down "man just know that Olivia would never cheat on you , you know how much she loves you " Jordan said trying to cheer Spencer up "I know i know I'm just mad that Asher would do that , if he ever comes near her again now that he knows I'm with Olivia there will be problems " Spencer said meaning every word "I hear you , and right Asher really needs to kick rocks because Olivia is through and done with that man" Jordan said with Spencer agreeing

Jordan got to the house and dropped Spencer off "have fun man" Jordan said with Spencer smiling and nodding

Olivia was putting the food on the table when there was a knock at the door , she opened the door and started smiling with Spencer being at the door "come in my love" Olivia said with Spencer kissing her cheek and walking in "food looks great baby" he said sitting at the table "yes it does " Olivia replied with them sitting down and eating

"look baby " Spencer said while reaching across the table grabbing her hand "I'm sorry for being frustrated and taking it out on you , when it wasn't your fault " Spencer said looking down "baby it's okay " Olivia replied "no it's not " he said still looking down "baby , look at me " Olivia said with Spencer doing as she said with tears in his eyes "aww poor baby" she said before getting up making her way over to him and sitting on his lap kissing him softly before pulling away "baby I understand where your coming from I would have reacted the same way " Olivia said rubbing his back

"God what would I do without you liv" Spencer said letting the tears run down his face with Olivia wiping his tears and kissing him passionately

After dinner Olivia said "I have a present for you upstairs , let me bring it down " "okay baby" he said smiling with Olivia going up the stairs getting the present she finally came down stairs with the present giving it to Spencer "I hope you like it baby" Olivia said while smiling with him unwrapping the present and taking out the photo album going through it with tears welling up in his eyes " wow " Spencer said as his voiced cracked a bit

"is that a what the hell is this kind of wow or a I love this kind of wo-" Olivia said before she got cut off with Spencer kissing her passionately and pulling away chuckling softly "definitely a I love this wow...I love it so much " Spencer said with Olivia smiling "I'm so happy you love it , I cried the whole time while putting the pictures" she said with Spencer's heart melting

Asher really needs to move along , but spelivia is so cute🥺 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter❤️❤️

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