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"okay guys I have to tell you something" Olivia says while smiling hard with Spencer doing the same "well go ahead, we're waiting" Simone said with spelivia chuckling softly "I'm pregnant!!" Olivia said with everyone's mouth dropping

" wait for real?" Laura said with tear welling up in her eyes "OMG LIV IS PREGNANT" Simone yelled "IMMA BE A AUNTIE"  Kia yelled in excitement "wait sis please tell me your not joking!" Jordan said "yes yes yes and no Jordan I'm not joking " Olivia said "ahh congrats I can't wait to be a grandma " grace said before going up to liv giving her a tight hug "thanks mom" Olivia replied before grace slowly pulled away to hug Spencer "I'm so happy for you two . You guys will be amazing parents " grace said "thanks ma" Spencer replied while smiling

"girl come here" Simone said with Olivia chuckling softly before walking over to Simone with her lifting up Olivia's shirt  "hey baby boy or girl , this is your favorite auntie talking to you" Simone said with Olivia laughing "yeah right, I'm going to be it's favorite aunt" Kia said "yeah in your dreams" Simone said with Kia rolling her eyes playfully

Laura went up to hug Olivia with her hugging back " I'm so happy for you" she said with tears welling up in her eyes "thank you so much mom" Olivia said softly before billy went up to her "come here" billy said having his arms out for a hug with Olivia smiling before walking up to him hugging her dad "congrats baby girl" billy said with his voice cracking a bit "thank you dad" Olivia said before slowly pulling away and walking up to Spencer with him putting his arm around her shoulder "we appreciate and love y'all so much..thank you" Spencer said with their families smiling

Everyone left and Spencer was doing the dishes for liv while she was removing some of her makeup , Once she finished she changed into one of Spencer's oversized shirts and some panties, she then walked out of her room and heard Spencer singing to " Cupid " by 112 she started blushing before going up to him "hey baby" Spencer said turning around before kissing her cheek "hello my love..I heard you singing " Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly " yeah you should sing with me" Spencer said "alright pick a song" she said before Spencer grabbed a towel to dry his hands before pulling out his phone playing "you are not alone" by Michael Jackson "baby please not this know it makes me cry" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly before shaking his head "I'm not changing it baby" Spencer said " then I'm not singing" Olivia said trying to walk away before Spencer grabbed her hand "come on I said in my vows if you cry...I'll cry with you" Spencer said with Olivia blushing remembering him saying that before she finally gave in "start from the beginning" Olivia said softly with Spencer smiling before doing as she said "Another day has gone I'm still all alone How could this be? You're not here with me You never said goodbye Someone tell me why Did you have to go? And leave my world so cold" Spencer sang before grabbing livs hand moving her closer to him wrapping his arms around her waist with Olivia arms around his neck swaying to the song "Everyday I sit and ask myself How did love slip away? Something whispers in my ear and says" Olivia sang with Spencer smiling "That you are not alone I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay
But you are not alone I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart But you are not alone" they both sang at the same time while gazing into each other eyes with Olivia trying to hold her tears in but failed miserably with Spencer wiping them

"I love you so much" Olivia said with her voice cracking a bit with tears welling up in Spencer's eyes "I love you more liv" Spencer said before getting down on his knees lifting her shirt up kissing her stomach with Olivia smiling "hello little guy or's ya daddy and I just want you to know have the best mother in the world" Spencer said softly before kissing her stomach again with Olivia wiping her tears before Spencer got up

"shall we finish our dance?" Spencer said having his hand out with Olivia blushing "yes" Olivia said taking his hand before spelivia swayed to the rest of the song

To be continued

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