I got this

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four weeks went by and Spencer and Olivia were at the bowling alley "you suck" Spencer said while laughing with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "shut up , this shit is hard" Olivia said "no it's easy , you just suck" Spencer said with Olivia hitting his arm playfully "okay but for real tho , I wanna go home " Olivia said "yeah me too , let's get out of here" Spencer said with Olivia nodding

Spencer and Olivia were making cupcakes while listening to music when Spencer's phone buzzed "can you get it for me babe , while I stir this batter" Spencer said "yea I got it" Olivia said picking his phone up seeing nudes from Jasmine with Olivia's blood boiling

Hoe : you like what you see daddy👅💦?im so wet right now for you , Matter of fact let me send you a video 😋👅

"you good baby" Spencer asked with Olivia ignoring him before putting her coat and shoes on about to walk out the door when Spencer grabbed her arm "let go of me" Olivia said "liv what's going on?" Spencer asked "Jasmine sent you nudes and I'm about to send her six feet under" Olivia said with Spencer shaking his head "now let go of me so I can handle her hoe ass" Olivia demanded with Spencer not letting go "baby I don't want you to get hurt can you go with Simone or ki-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off "you think I'm not tough enough?" Olivia said " no baby I just-" Spencer Said before Olivia cut him off "you know what , save it Spencer it doesn't even matter what you think because I'm beating that bitch's ass any way " Olivia said before getting Spencer's hand off of her "oliv-" Spencer said before Olivia slammed the door and headed off

Olivia was in her car heading to jasmines place. 20 minutes later and Olivia was outside of Jasmine's door banging on it "who is it?" Jasmine said "the girl who's going to beat your ass now, we can do this the easy way Or the hard way , you pick " Olivia said with Jasmine not opening the door , ignoring her "alright guess we're doing this the hard away " Olivia said before kicking jasmines door down "what the he-" Jasmine said before she was cut off with Olivia right socking her with Jasmine falling to the ground covering her nose from bleeding before trying to run away but Olivia dragged her by her legs before getting on top of her throwing punches

"Spencer of course liv can do this by her self , she's tough and strong enough, I'm pretty sure you seen her beat jasmines and Rochelle's ass in front of you , so why question her?" Simone said with Spencer looking down "but what If-" Spencer said before Jordan cut him off "Spencer she got this , I promise " Jordan said with Spencer slowly nodding

Meanwhile Olivia was torturing and beating the hell out of Jasmine " I'm sorry I'm sorry , I will leave you and Spencer Olivia forever , I promise " Jasmine said while crying with Olivia not believing her "pretty sure you said that last time" Olivia said before grabbing Jasmine by her hair and throwing her against the wall with Jasmine chuckling softly "fuck you liv, your just mad that I have better pussy than yo-" Jasmine said before she saw Olivia pull out a knife "woah, what are you doi-" Jasmine said before Olivia cut her thumb and pinky finger off "BITCHHH" Jasmine yelled in pain with Olivia laughing "should I keep going or do you get the message?" Olivia said "I GET I GET ILL LEAVE YOU AND DADDY SPENCER ALONE" Jasmine yelled with Olivia shaking her head chuckling softly

"he ain't ya daddy bitch" Olivia said before stabbing Jasmine in the stomach with her passing out and Olivia walking out of the house

Olivia arrived back at her dorm and saw Spencer in the kitchen with him walking up to her "sorry for doubting you earlier , I should've known you were going to kick ass " Spencer said "it's alright" Olivia replied "soo , how'd it go?" Spencer asked "great I did what I had to do and she said she will leave me and you alone " Olivia said "thank God , because I am so tired of her ass" Spencer said in relief "yeah me too babe" Olivia said before leaning in kissing Spencer softly before pulling away resting her head on his "oh and I cut her thumb and pinky off" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly "you are so badass" Spencer said "I know" Olivia said smiling before Spencer kissed her

Welp , Jasmine is gone , for real this time🙃😂! Anyways I'm thinking about ending this book around chapter 50 or 55 . But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter if you have any requests please comment 🤍

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