we did it

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(Side note : five days later , Spencer and Olivia are back in LA) spelivia was sleeping peacefully when Olivia woke up feeling nauseous again , she quickly ran to the bathroom before throwing up with Spencer hearing her and walking to the bathroom holding her hair back " baby are you okay? this is your fifth day throwing up" Spencer said with Olivia shaking her head "no but Spencer" she said with Spencer sitting down next to her "yes liv?" Spencer asked rubbing her back "can you buy me a pregnancy test?" Olivia replied with Spencer's eyes lighting up "you think your pregnant?" he said "yes I do...now please pick me up a pregnancy test" Olivia said with Spencer smiling "of course" he said before picking her up bridal style laying her down on the bed "I'll be right back " Spencer said with Olivia nodding before he kissed her forehead "I love you" he said " love you too" Olivia said while smiling

Spencer picked up the pregnancy test and drove back to their house unlocking the door, opening it "You ready?" Spencer asked with Olivia taking a deep sigh "yes" she said calmly with Spencer handing her the test with Olivia taking it and going to the bathroom.

She took the test and put it on the desk table " are the results in?" Spencer asked with Olivia shaking her head no before sitting down next to Spencer with him holding her hand "I hope it comes back positive " Olivia said laying her head on Spencer's shoulder "me too baby " Spencer said before kissing Olivia's head

some time went by and the timer went off with Spencer and Olivia both taking a deep breath "you ready?" Spencer said with Olivia nodding before picking up the test seeing the results with her heart melting and tears welling up in her eyes "baby" Olivia said with her voice cracking a bit before Spencer looked over at the test

"oh my gosh your pregnant " Spencer said with tears welling up in his eyes "ye-s I am" Olivia said with tears going down her face still looking at the test in shock "baby we did it!!" Spencer said happily while wiping her tears before kissing her passionately before slowly pulling away

"I'm so happy!" Olivia said with Spencer smiling "me too baby " Spencer said while smiling before kissing her again with tears going down their faces

Olivia was in the kitchen cooking when she felt Spencer's arm wrapped around her waist with her blushing before turning around facing him "hey baby...so I was thinking that we should have a gathering at our place to tell our families that I'm pregnant " Olivia said with Spencer smiling "yea we should..let's do it tonight around 5:30" Spencer said "okay" Olivia said while smiling before Spencer kissed her softly and passionately with Olivia kissing back before there was a knock at the door "I'll get it" Spencer said with Olivia nodding before he went up to the door seeing some packages, he picked them up and put them on island table "what's all this?" Spencer said with Olivia turning around seeing the packages before smiling knowing what it is "open it" Olivia said with Spencer looking up at her smiling before opening the package seeing baby toys , books , clothes etc "damn baby , day one of being pregnant and you already bought  stuff " Spencer joked with that Olivia chuckling softly before walking over to him "oh hush , I couldn't help myself everything was so cute" Olivia said with Spencer smiling

"you like it?" Olivia asked softly "yes , of course" Spencer replied with Olivia smiling "I'm glad you do..Um can you put it in our closet please I don't want any of our family members seeing it" Olivia said "yea for sure" Spencer replied before picking up the box taking it to him and liv's room while Olivia  sent a text to her and Spencer's family to come over

grace and Dillon arrived first with Spencer and Olivia greeting them "what's this all about liv?" Grace asked while hugging Olivia "you'll find out" Olivia said with grace smiling before pulling away "mmm food smells great" Dillon said with Olivia smiling. Shortly after Olivia's parents arrived "hey honey" Laura said while hugging liv "hey mom" Olivia said before pulling away to hug her dad "hello baby girl" billy said while smiling before hugging his daughter " hey dad" Olivia said with billy slowly pulling away to hug Spencer with Laura doing the same . Simome , Kia , Jordan and Darnell arrived with spelivia greeting them

"This is so good liv" Kia said taking another bite of her food " thanks Kia" Olivia said while smiling "sooo what's this all about?" Jordan asked "we can't eat together as a family?" Olivia joked with Jordan rolling his eyes playfully

Everyone finished eating dinner and spelivia looked at each other "okay guys we have to tell you something" Olivia said while smiling hard with Spencer doing the same "well go ahead, we're waiting" Simone said with spelivia chuckling softly "I'm pregnant!!" Olivia said with everyone's mouth dropping

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