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Spencer and Olivia were in the car heading to the bakers house " thank you again for this weekend getaway liv , I really appreciate it " Spencer said while looking a Olivia drive with liv blushing "how many times do I have to say your welcome?" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly "baby , I don't know I'm just really blessed and happy to have you in my life , I really do appreciate everything you do for me" Spencer said with Olivia looking at him before smiling

Spencer and Olivia were now at the now at the bakers house watching tv with Simone and Jordan when their phone all buzzed , they all picked it up and saw a notification from jj

"Party at 8:30 at my dad's club DONT miss it"

"Y'all going?" Spencer said "hell yes" Simone and Jordan said at the same time with spelivia chuckling softly "y'all better be going with us " Simone said with Spencer and Olivia looking at each other "we will think about it" Olivia said "ain't no thinking about it, y'all are going to this party with us , end of discussion " Simone said making herself clear "ugh  fine " Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly

Sometime went by and Olivia and Simone were at the mall looking for the perfect dress to wear "oh my gosh , liv this dress would look perfect on you" Simone said point to a ruched off the shoulder all red dress with Olivia being mesmerized by the dress not saying  anything "so you gon try it on o-" Simone said before getting cut off by liv "hell yes" Olivia said grabbing the dress and heading to the dressing room with Simone chuckling and following her "Simone, help me zip this up please " Olivia said with Simone going up to her helping her zip her dress up "alright it's done and girl your ass looks hella good in this dress " Simone said with Olivia chuckling softly before she Turned around facing the mirror with her jaw dropping "oh my god" Olivia said staring at herself in the mirror " girl you look fine as hell" Simone said looking at Olivia "girl I feel good as hell" Olivia said with Simone chuckling "I'm buying this" Olivia said "yeah you better even if you didn't have the money I would definitely pay for it" Simone said with Olivia smiling "did you find something for yourself " Olivia asked "yes girl" Simone said pulling out a blue off the  shoulder mini dress "ooh that's cute" Olivia said with Simone smiling

Meanwhile Spencer and Jordan already had their outfits . they were on the game when Spencer got a phone call from jj "what up jj?" Spencer said "are you coming to the party? " jj said excited on the other end of the phone "yeah man , me and liv will be there and so will Jordan and Simone" Spencer said "bettt I'll see y'all there" jj said before hanging up with Spencer going back on the game with Jordan

Olivia and Simone finally arrived at the bakers house "hey baby" Spencer said walking up to liv giving her a hug with Jordan walking up to Simone kissing her cheek "how'd the shopping trip go" Spencer asked "all imma say is that Olivia's dress will make your jaw drop " Simone said to Spencer with Olivia blushing "oh is that true?" Spencer said looking at Olivia "your going to have to find out" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly "you two should go get ready while me and Spencer do the same" Jordan said "don't got to tell me twice " Simone said running up the stairs to liv's room with Olivia laughing and following her

"Should I have my curls out or should I straighten my hair?" Olivia asked Simone with Simone doing her makeup "curls duh" Simone said with Olivia smiling and nodding. "ahhh Olivia you look so good , the curls , the red lipstick, the dress, the heels oh my god" Simone said while Olivia was doing a 360 "thanks girl , you look good too" Olivia said with Simone smiling . Meanwhile Spencer and Jordan were done getting ready and in the kitchen waiting for the girls to come down . few minutes went by and Olivia came down the stairs first with Spencer was staring at Olivia like she was the most Prettiest girl in the world with his jaw dropping it was like she was walking in slow motion, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her , Olivia walked over to Spencer with him still staring at her "baby you look gorgeous" Spencer said with Olivia blushing "do I really?" Olivia said "hell yeah , ain't no denying that" Spencer said with Olivia kissing his cheek before Simone came down the stairs with Jordan being mesmvrized by her beauty "wow" Jordan whispered with Simone walking up to him "you look amazing Simone" Jordan said "thank you baby , you don't look too bad yourself " Simone said before giving Jordan a soft kiss " you guys ready to go to this party?" Jordan said "yes we are " Olivia said before Spencer took her hand walking out the door with jimone following them to the car

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter❤️❤️

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