On yo ass

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Spencer was in the car and got his phone out calling preach "what up Spence" preach said "hey preach I need a favor " Spencer Said " I'm listening " preach said "okay so I don't know if you know or not but me and Olivia are together and Olivia's ex Asher is obsessive and kept throwing him self on to Olivia but she kept pushing him off and telling him to stay away and-" Spencer said before getting cut off my preach

"man just get to the point" preach said losing his patience with Spencer sighing "basically I need a gun from you" Spencer said with preach not saying anything "yo preach , you there?" Spencer said "you sure man?" Preach asked

"yes I'm positive I done gave this man too many warnings and he's still not listening " Spencer said "I'll give you a gun if you let me go with you , I don't want you getting hurt " preach said "ight thanks , I'll be there soon" Spencer said before hanging up

preach was outside of his house when he saw Spencer pulling up, He walked up to his car and got in "you sure about this?" Preach said "yes please stop asking" Spencer said frustrated "ight man" preach said

Spencer went on his phone looking for ashers location he quickly found it and drove to the destination

meanwhile Asher was sucking on Olivias neck with her crying "Asher please stop" Olivia begged with Asher not listening before pulling away

"would you rather suck my dick, or have me suck on your neck Olivia?" Asher said raising his tone with her not saying anything "as a matter of fact" Asher said before taking his pants and briefs off

"suck it bitch" Asher demanded with Olivia looking away ignoring him with tears welling up in her eyes "I SAID SUCK IT " he yelled with Olivia looking at him disgusted

"no" Olivia said with Asher punching her "stupid black bitch" Asher said before walking off

Spencer and preached pulled up to the location , with both of them getting out of the car and preach handing Spencer the gun with him putting it in his pocket

"it's business time" preach said looking at Spencer with him nodding

Spencer and preach saw Olivia tied up to a pole and In handcuffs with her looking down not noticing them with spencer running up to her

"baby " Olivia said looking up at him with Spencer taking the handcuffs and rope off of her "did he hurt you? Where is he at?" Spencer said with Olivia shaking

"y-es he did hu-rt me and he's I-n the back" Olivia stuttered with Spencer's blood boiling "baby go stand by preach, I'm going to handle his ass" he said "baby h-e also has m-y ring" Olivia stuttered with Spencer nodding with liv walking to preach with him having her sit down somewhere so he can go with Spencer

"Alright come out" Spencer yelled with preach following him "wassup Spencer" Asher said while walking towards him with a big smile on his face

"what the hell is funny dawg" Spencer said getting closer to Asher "I don't know probably the fact that I punched your bitch or that fact that i-" Asher said before Spencer punched his face causing Asher to fall on the ground hard before Spencer pulled out his gun pointing it to ashers face

"Spencer chill , it's not that serious" he said with his hands up still on the ground " NOT THAT SERIOUS " Spencer yelled before clocking his gun back with tears welling up in asher's eyes

"you are such a disgusting man, i hope you rot in hell" Spencer said "Spence please don't" Asher begged with Spencer pointing the gun at asher's stomach pulling the trigger with Asher slowly passing out

"you did it Spence" preach said walking up to Spencer "now what?" Spencer said while staring at Asher's body

"I'll let my boys handle him" preach said with Spencer nodding "where Olivia?" Spencer asked with preach pointing to where she was at and Spencer running up to her

"I'm so sorry this happened to you today baby , I promise you that Asher is out of our lives for good this time" Spencer said while sitting next to Olivia while holding her hand with her looking down

"do you need to go to the hospital?" Spencer asked concern "no I-m good" Olivia said before laying on Spencer's shoulder with Spencer kissing the top of her head

"aye Spence I think this is Olivia's" preach said while walking up to spelivia with the ring in his hand handing it to Spencer " thanks man" Spencer said with preach nodding before slipping the ring on Olivia's finger "thank you" she said "of course baby" Spencer said before kissing her cheek

preach called up his boys so that they can handle Asher

"So you beat on females now?" a man in a black hoodie said before kicking Asher so he could wake up with him slowly waking up not being able to stand up "yes I do and I don't got no shame about it " Asher said while smiling with the guy in the black hoodie calling up his boys telling them to come inside with them running inside , kicking , punching and stabbing Asher nonstop before dragging him outside throwing him in a lake

Meanwhile Spencer and Olivia walked inside of the baker's house with Laura , billy , Simone , and Jordan hugging Olivia with Olivia breaking down crying "thank God your okay" Jordan said while hugging liv with Olivia still crying

"my poor baby" Laura said before caressing Olivia's cheek softly with Jordan walking over to Spencer "is Asher alive?" Jordan whispered in Spencer's ear with Spencer shaking his head with Jordan nodding before smiling

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