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(side note : Three years went by and spelivia were now out of college and were living together)

Spencer was with Jordan at rescue smoothies "so the real reason I brought you here was to ask you...when will you propose to my sister? you guys have been together for 6 years what are you waiting for?" Jordan said with Spencer looking down smiling "soon j , very soon" Spencer said "like how soon ?" Jordan said " your going to have to find out" Spencer said while smiling "ughh I can't wait" Jordan said "well your going to have to" Spencer said with Jordan rolling his eyes playfully

Olivia was at her vanity brushing her hair when Spencer walked in leaning against her closest door with Olivia not noticing

Spencer pov:
she is so beautiful..I truly am the luckiest man in the world to have her in my life

Spencer then walked up to her leaning down kissing her cheek "hey baby" Olivia said while blushing "hey beautiful, how are you doing?" Spencer asked " I'm doing great babe , what about you?" Olivia said "I'm all good" Spencer said "that's good" Olivia said before getting up putting her coat on "wait , where are you going?" Spencer asked "im getting my nails done with Simone " Olivia said "oh okay , you better not leave without giving me a kiss" Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly before going up to him kissing Spencer passionately before pulling away but Spencer pulled her back in "baby I'm going to be late" Olivia said in between the kiss "I don't care" Spencer said before laying her on the bed before pulling away to take off his shirt "baby as much as I want to I got to go , this can wait" Olivia said with Spencer making a frowning face "ugh fine" Spencer said with Olivia getting off the bed "I love you" Olivia said " love you more" Spencer said before Olivia walked out the door

Spencer was with Jordan looking for a ring since they were both going to propose to their girls soon "these are hella expensive "Jordan said "yea they are " Spencer said chuckling softly before seeing a ring that caught his eye "wow" Spencer said looking at a diamond ring with Jordan walking over to him "damn..that's a perfect one for liv"Jordan said "yes it is" Spencer said smiling, imagining That ring on Olivia's finger before going up to the cashier telling him he wanted that ring "ouuu that's a good one" the man said with Spencer smiling "come up to the front so you can pay" the man said "okay" Spencer said

Simone and Olivia just got finished doing their nails and were now in the car listening to music when "your nails are so cute liv" Simone said "thanks girl , so are yours" Olivia said with Simone smiling "yeah an-" before Simone could finish her sentence Olivia got a phone call from Spencer "just a sec Simone" Olivia said with Simone nodding before answering her phone "hello my love" Olivia said "hey baby , are you almost home?" Spencer asked "yea I'll be there in 20 minutes, why what's up?" Olivia said "Nothing I just miss you" Spencer said with Olivia blushing "I miss you too baby" Olivia said "not as much as I miss you" Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "I'll see you soon " Olivia said "see you soon" Spencer mocked "shut up" Olivia said while laughing with Simone chuckling softly "shut up" Spencer mocked her again "okay but for real tho , I'll see you soon , bye" Olivia said "okay but for real tho , I'll see you soon by-" before Spencer could finish mocking her Olivia hang up before chuckling softly

Simone dropped Olivia off and said good bye to her . Olivia unlocked her door and saw Spencer in the living room "hey babe" Olivia said walking up to him "hey beautiful " Spencer said wrapping his arms around her waist before kissing her softly before pulling away "I have a surprise for you " Spencer said while smiling "ouuu what is it?" Olivia said excited "your going to have to have to figure it out" Spencer said with Olivia's eyebrows narrowing "there are cards hidden around this house that have have words on it and you have to find them and put it together " Spencer said with Olivia smiling "alright let me start looking" Olivia said with Spencer smiling

"Baby it's been 10 minutes and I can't find any cards , are you sure you even hid them?" Olivia whined with Spencer chuckling softly "yes baby I hid the m very well actually, so keep looking" Spencer said with Olivia taking a deep sigh before doing as he said

"I found one" Olivia said in excitement with Spencer chuckling softly before walking over to her "what does it say?" Spencer asked "it says we" Olivia said with Spencer smiling "There are five more babe" Spencer said with Olivia nodding and looking for the other cards

Some time went by and Olivia found three more (are , going, to) "baby I'm getting tired" Olivia whined "keep looking babe you only need one more" Spencer said kissing her cheek with Olivia rolling her eyes " fine"

Olivia found the last card " I FOUND THE LAST ONE" Olivia said in excitement with Spencer smiling " open the card baby" Spencer said with Olivia smiling so hard before opening it "oh my gosh" Olivia said reading it with Spencer smiling "WE ARE GOING TO HAWAII WITH JORDAN AND SIMONE!!??"Olivia said in excitement "yes baby" Spencer replied with a big smile on his face with Olivia jumping in his arms kissing him passionately " I love you I love you I love you I love you" Olivia said "I love you more baby" Spencer said

Awww they are adorable, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter🤍🤍

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