Let it burn

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Simone,Jordan and Spencer barged into the bathroom and saw Olivia half naked with Rochelle kissing her body with Spencer running up to Rochelle pushing her aggressively on the ground before Spencer picked Olivia up carrying her bridal style with Olivia crying " it's okay baby , I got you , I got you" Spencer said while taking Olivia to his car

Simone and Jordan were now alone with Rochelle "baby I'll handle her,please go" Simone said with Jordan nodding

Simone was cracking her knuckles while walking up Rochelle "Simon please don't " Rochelle begged "bitch my name ain't Simon , but it doesn't even matter cause I'm beating your ass" Simone said before getting on top of Rochelle throwing punches

15 minutes went by and Simone was torturing and beating the hell out of Rochelle , Simone dragged Rochelle to her car by her hair with no one noticing

Once Simone threw Rochelle in her car she started driving to her destination to where she was going to get rid of Rochelle for good

Spencer was laying down with Olivia in his arms with liv crying silently "let it out baby it's okay" he said with Olivia crying hard on his chest "pl-ease don't leave m-e" Olivia stuttered with tears welling up in Spencer's eyes "I won't leave you , not now not never" Spencer said before kissing Olivia's head

Meanwhile simone was in the woods setting up a fire for Rochelle. Simone dragged Rochelle out of the car and tied her up to a tree with Rochelle slowly waking up "what's going on?" She said as she saw the fire

"well your about to die , you messed with the wrong one " Simone said "no Simon please d-" Rochelle said before simone punched her hard in the stomach with Rochelle coughing up blood

"just shut the hell up" Simone said before taking out her pocket knife stabbing Rochelle nonstop with Rochelle slowly dying before Simone pulled out her phone playing "burn" by usher before throwing Rochelle's body in the fire listening to the song and watching Rochelle burn

"you still up baby?" Spencer said still holding Olivia in his arms "yes" she said with her voice cracking "you should really get some sleep ba-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off

"why can't we just be happy?" Olivia said before sitting up facing him with Spencer taking a deep sigh before sitting up l holding her hand "baby I wish I knew the answer to that , but what I do know is that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, and I also know things may be hard and difficult for us right now , but it's only going to make us stronger baby , I promise" Spencer said with tears welling up in both of their eyes before Spencer kissed her hand

"now let's get some sleep baby" he said before laying down with Olivia nodding and laying on his chest with Spencer holding her hand

After Simone burned Rochelle she threw her in the nearest lake . Simone got in her car with Jordan calling her "you good babe , where have you been?" Jordan asked "had to handle some business , I'll be at the hotel soon " Simone said "okay please hurry up" Jordan said before Simone hanged up

Don't we all love Simone ??? Rochelle is FINALLY gone , for good too ! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter🤍🤍

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