your love

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Olivia and Spencer were hanging out outside , talking about college, and funny memories they shared . "remember the time you walked in on me getting out the the shower" Spencer said while laughing "oh my gosh , that was so embarrassing  " liv said while covering her face "shut up you know you liked what you saw" Spencer said with liv rolling her eyes playfully "baby can I ask you something " liv asked while holding his hand "yes of course " Spencer said giving her his full attention "do you see a future with me" liv said looking down with Spencer pulling her chin up so she could meet his eyes "of course I see a future with you , your the one for me baby..i know that" Spencer said with tears welling up in Olivia's eyes . "Do you see one with me " Spencer asked "duh don't ask me no stupid question like that" Olivia said while laughing with Spencer joining

Spencer and Olivia went inside of the house and were watching black panther once the movie finished Olivia said "such an amazing movie" not getting a response from Spencer, she looked over her shoulder and noticed he was sleeping she laughed softly and fell asleep with him . A few hours went by and Spencer woke up first , noticing Olivia was sleeping in his arms he chuckled softly before getting off of the couch going to get something to drink he came back with his glass of water and noticed she was still sleeping he decided to be funny and poured his glass of water on Olivia he poured it slowly with her immediately waking up being  mad with him bursting out laughing

"why the hell would you do that ?" Liv said while giving Spencer a straight face "why not" Spencer said still laughing "your so annoying oh my god" Olivia said laughing a little bit "look who's laughing now " Spencer said as he picked Olivia up bridal style "baby noo what are you doing " next thing she knows she is thrown into the pool with him joining her "I hate you so much" she said annoyed while splashing water on him "impossible because I hate you more" Spencer said splashing water back on her with them laughing with each other

Few hours had went by and Olivia was planning a prank to do on Spencer. She decided that she was going to lead Spencer on and then have Simone call her at a specific time saying she wants to hang out with Olivia leaving Spencer horny and desperate "okay girl don't forget to call me right at 5:30" Olivia said to Simone "girl I got you don't worry " Simone said "yeah you better, anyways I got to go don't forget the plan Simone " Olivia said "I know I know" Simone said with liv hanging up

Liv was putting on some lingerie with a robe wrapped around her she was walking down the stairs with Spencer saying "hey baby I got another movie for us" "save it Spencer I want to make our own movie " liv said putting her hand inside his briefs reaching for his dick "oh shit , you sure , because it's a really good Mov-" he said before he got interrupted with liv kissing him passionately it instantly got heated with Spencer picking her up and carrying her to her bedroom , Olivia only took her robe off with Spencer staring at her passionately "you so sexy baby " he said

"I know" liv said rolling her eyes playfully she made her way over to him and kissed him passionately sucking on his tongue and then pulling away getting on her knees pulling his pants and briefs off right when she was about to put his dick in her mouth , her phone started ringing"oops sorry baby let me get that" liv said going to her phone " ughh make it quick  " Spencer said desperately as she started walking to her phone answering it putting it on speaker

"hey girl , I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I was wondering if you wanted to go out to eat? " Simone said "yes girl and no your not  interrupting anything , I am so bored right now " Olivia said lying "girl same , I'll pick u up in 20 minutes " Simone said "okay see you soon " olivia said before hanging up and looking at Spencer and noticed he was just staring at her with his mouth opened

"you good baby" liv said trying her Best not to laugh "I know you fucking lying " Spencer said "what do you mean baby, I'm bored and I want to hang out with Simone " liv said "please tell me your playing right now " Spencer said "I'm not baby" liv said "you really gon turn me on and go out with simone leaving me hanging " Spencer said with olivia looking down and noticing he had a boner and bursting out with laughter

" whats funny?" Spencer said confused "baby it's a prank , I did this on purpose " Olivia said while laughing with Spencer having a straight face "so your telling me you planed ALL of this out" Spencer said "yes baby Simone was in on it too" Olivia said "I hate you" Spencer said "noo you love me" Olivia said while walking over to Spencer putting her arms around his neck

"so you really leaving or.."Spencer said "naw baby I'm not going no where , I'm all yours" Olivia said while smiling then kissing him with it getting heated immediately with him picking her up laying her on the bed kissing her passionately with Olivia flipping them over being on top "hold up hold up, do you have a condom?" Spencer said "yeah be right back " liv said as she went to the bathroom and pulled out a condom and gave it to Spencer with him putting it on

"now where were we" she said before slowly  taking her lingerie off sitting on Spencer's dick grinding on it with Spencer's hands on her waist thrusting upwards and deep causing  "mmmm"olivia moaned

"mhmm...bounce on it baby" Spencer grunted with her doing as he asked with him thrusting deeper and rubbing her breast moving his fingers down to her clit messaging it with his thumb with Olivia feeling so good  "I-m about to cu-m" she moaned

"same baby" he grinted while thrusting faster before they both reached their climax at the same time with Spencer going down on her licking her clean

Spelivia was now cuddling in bed "well that was fun " Spencer said "right I enjoyed ever second of if" Olivia said while smiling "same baby" Spencer said kissing her head softly before they both fell asleep.

aww they are so cute and freaky💀😛anyways what did y'all think on that "prank " liv did on Spencer?? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter btw <3

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