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two weeks went by since spelivia has heard from Andre or Jasmine. Spencer and Olivia were at a fro yo place eating ice cream "give me a bite" Olivia whined "baby I just got my ice cream , what's wrong with yours?" Spencer said "pleaseee"Olivia begged giving Spencer puppy dog eyes which Spencer couldn't say no to "ugh fine" Spencer said rolling his eyes playfully before giving liv a bite with Olivia moaning loud "mmmm" Olivia moaned with Spencer chuckling softly "baby shhh your so loud" Spencer said "and?" Olivia shot back with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully "keep that same energy for tonight " Spencer said with Olivia looking down smiling

two hours went by and Andre and Jasmine were talking "do you like Spencer?" Andre asked "do you like Olivia?" Jasmine shot back "i mean she got a nice ass and tits I'd fuck the hell out of her" Andre said "well same thing with me and Spencer " Jasmine said with Andre getting mad "hell no , your mines" Andre said before grabbing Jasmine's neck kissing her passionately before Jasmine pulled away "yes daddy" Jasmine said before taking her shirt off

Spencer and Olivia were chilling with Simone and Jordan watching tv " y'all haven't heard from those psychopaths right?" Simone asked " nope and we want it to stay that way" Spencer said "well if they try to come for y'all or anything just know that me and Jordan got your back" Simone said " thanks Simone" Olivia said while smiling "of course" Simone replied

"Spenc-" Jasmine moaned with Andre stopping "the fuck did you just say?" Andre said with Jasmine eyes widening "I said Andre" Jasmine lied " man shut up , you said Spencer " Andre said getting off of her putting his clothes on "no daddy don't leaveeee" Jasmine begged dragging the e " I'm never leaving you girl , I just got to handle Spencer's ass" Andre said while putting his Durag on before heading out the door calling his crew

Simone and Jordan were now gone and Olivia was giving Spencer head "shit " Spencer grunted before reaching his climax in Olivia mouth with her swallowing it and looking up at him with Spencer bitting his lip before Olivia leaned in to kiss him before Spencer's phone buzzed picking it up but Olivia snatched it from him and threw it "baby, you better pray my phone isn't broken " Spencer said "mhm" Olivia said before She kissed him passionately with Spencer kissing her back . Five minutes went by are there was a loud bang on the door "what the hell" Spencer said before getting out of bed putting his clothes on with Olivia doing the same "I'll get it , stay right here" Spencer said with Olivia nodding , Spencer opened the door and saw Andre with some gang members "what up Spence "'Andre said "man what is this?" Spencer said before Andre pulled out his gun with Spencer putting his hands up

Olivia got worried so she walked up to the door seeing Andre holding a gun at Spencer's face "what the hell are you doing ?" Olivia said "doing what should've been done when he first got here " Andre said "Andre put the gun down " Olivia demanded with Andre not listening to her and Aiming the gun at liv "oh you better not " Spencer said putting his hands down standing in front of liv "or what" Andre said clocking the gun back "Andre let's just go , these punks ain't worth it" Jamal said " oh cmon don't be a pussy now " Andre said "man ain't nobody being a Pussy I just don't want to go to jail" Darius said with Andre being mad and shooting Spencer's leg before running away with his crew

poor Spencer, but he's going to get through this for sure . Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🤍

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