Valentines day

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Spencer was at his house eating breakfast with his mom and brother "so do you have any plans with Olivia? Since it's Valentine's Day" Grace Said before taking a sip of her coffee "yes I do" Spencer said while smiling "well...tell us" Dillon said nudging Spencer with him rolling his eyes playfully

"can't say , but just know that I'm going all out for her" Spencer said with grace and Dillon smiling

Meanwhile Olivia was sleeping peacefully when her phone rang, she got up reaching for her phone and smiled when she saw Spencer's name pop up with her answering it

"Happy valentines babyyy" Spencer said with Olivia blushing and rubbing her eyes "happy Valentine's Day my love , I wish you were here right now " she said while frowning "baby look out your window" Spencer said with Olivia narrowing her eyebrows but doing as he said

she looked out her window with her heart melting and tears welling up in her eyes seeing Spencer with a big white teddy bear , a card and a box of chocolate , Olivia quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door to go outside with her running up to Spencer jumping in his arms with him spinning her around before liv kissed him passionately with tears running down her face with Spencer pulling away slowly

"I love you" Spencer whispered while wiping her tears "I love you more" Olivia said before kissing him again

spelivia was now inside and were making out for a few minutes when Spencer pulled away "I'm going to spoil the hell out of you today " Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly "baby you don't have to" Olivia said  looking down with Spencer lifting her chin up so she could look at him

"no baby you deserve it , especially for being an amazing girlfriend, I don't know what id do without you " he said with Olivia blushing before leaning in kissing him

"nooo don't leave me" Olivia whined while hugging Spencer tightly with him by the door "baby I'll see you in two hours just go get ready" Spencer said chuckling softly with Olivia not letting go "two hours is foreverrrr" Olivia said while dragging the r with Simone walking up to Olivia

"girl go get ready you'll see him in two hours" Simone said while getting liv off of Spencer "ughh fine" Olivia said before letting him go with Spencer kissing her cheek

"see you soon baby" he said with Olivia smiling and nodding

"Black dress or blue dress ?" Olivia said "black" Simone said with Olivia nodding "can I do your makeup " Simone asked "yea, of course" Olivia said before walking to her dressing room  putting on her dresswith Simone getting the makeup out waiting for Olivia to come out

Few minutes went by and Olivia came out "You look stunning girl " Simone said hyping liv up "thank you Simone"Olivia said while smiling "now come sit down so I can do your makeup and hair " Simone said with Olivia doing as she said

some time went by and Simone finished doing Olivia's hair and makeup "all done " Simone said Turing Olivia around so she can look at herself in the mirror "oh my god" Olivia said "is it bad or-" Simone said before Olivia cut her off "girl hell no , I love it" Olivia said with Simone smiling " I'm glad you love it girl " Simone said with Olivia getting up and hugging Simone

Olivia was downstairs drinking some water when she got a text from Spencer

My world : can't wait to see you

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