Stay away

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Spencer was out of the hospital in the car with Olivia driving "how are you feeling baby?" Olivia asked with Spencer taking a deep sigh " I'm alright , I'm just bummed that I can't play football for a while " Spencer said looking out the window " I'm so sorry baby " Olivia said with Spencer giving her a half smile "i never had the chance to ask , but where were you two days ago when you left me that note " Spencer said with Olivia's eyes Widen before pulling over looking at Spencer "me Darnell and Simone...." Olivia said before taking a deep sigh "go on babe"'Spencer said nudging her with Olivia chuckling softly "well we beated jasmines and Andre's ass" Olivia said " how'd it go?" Spencer asked "great , Simone cut jasmines finger off" Olivia said with Spencer laughing "really?" Spencer said still laughing with Olivia joining him "yes babe , and Darnell was tazing the hell out of them" Olivia said with Spencer laughing before stopping "I still want to beat Andre's ass tho " Spencer said "but your le-" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off "My leg will be fine liv... I have to be the one to beat his ass" Spencer said " but baby me Simone and Darnell already did" Olivia replied "I don't care if Floyd mayweather beated his ass I have to be the one to do it " Spencer said with Olivia taking a deep sigh "okay babe" Olivia said before starting her car and driving off

Olivia was laying on Spencer's chest while watching tv , when there was a knock on the door "I'll get it" Simone said " thanks , because I do not feel like getting up " Olivia said before chuckling softly with Simone opening the door seeing Andre "well look what we have here it's mr.bitch what brings your clown ass here?" Simone said "first of all I am not no bitch " Andre said before pushing Simone on the ground with Olivia and Spencer getting up

"what the hell" Spencer said before seeing Andre on top of Simone punching her with Spencer pushing Andre off of her "oh so you beat on females now? " Spencer said before punching him with Olivia getting Simone and stepping outside with her so that Spencer could handle his business

"are you okay?"Olivia asked "hell no , I'm not letting him get away with this" Simone said before getting up and trying to open the door but liv stopped her "Simone Spencer is handling him , he wants to handle Andre on his own " Olivia said with Simone nodding before sitting down on the ground with Olivia

"swing first" Andre said while smiling with Spencer not hesitating punching his cheek hard with Andre falling to the ground "get yo ass up" Spencer yelled with Andre feeling dizzy with Spencer giving him another hard punch but this time in his stomach with Andre spitting out blood "damn Spence" Andre chuckled before trying to punch Spencer but Spencer grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard with Andre screaming

"Damn Spencer really must be beating his ass" Simone chuckled "yep " Olivia replied

Ten minutes went by and Andre and Spencer were still fighting "I give up man, ill leave you and Olivia alone forever " Andre said "yea you better, now get yo clown ass out" Spencer said with Andre limping to the door

he got out and saw Simone and Olivia . Simone got up with Olivia pulling out her phone recording him with Andre being scared before Simone kicked him in his balls hard with blood coming out anf Andre crying "stay the hell away from me and my family or I'll kill you "
Simone said with Andre still crying but wiping his tears and nodding before leaving With the girls going back inside

Not really a fan of this chapter but , Andre is gone🙃..anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter if you have any requests please comment 🤍

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