stop playing

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Olivia was sleeping with Spencer when her phone started to ring with Olivia getting up still sleepy rubbing her eyes and reaching for phone not looking at the Contact "good morning Olivia" Rochelle said in excitement with Olivia rolling her eyes "morning" Olivia said with Spencer slowly waking up "who are you on the phone with? "Spencer mouthed with Olivia mouthing "Rochelle" before rolling her eyes with Spencer shaking his head before walking to the bathroom "oh liv , guess w-" Rochelle said before Olivia cut her off "Rochelle I got to go , I'll call you back " Olivia lied before hanging up

An hour went by and Spencer went to the gym with Olivia home alone eating popcorn and watching tv before there was a knock at the door she didn't feel like getting up the first time so she ignored it but then there was another knock at the door with Olivia being annoyed but walking up to the door opening it seeing Rochelle "hi Olivia " Rochelle said smiling hard "uhh,what are you doing here?" Olivia asked "can I come in and then I'll tell you why" Rochelle said with Olivia's eyebrows narrowing "no you can tell me right here" Olivia said "ugh fine , I wanted to know if you would like to go to Victoria's Secret with me , I'll pay for anything you want" Rochelle said with liv shaking her head before closing the door with Rochelle stoping her from closing the door " I'm not taking no for an answer" Rochelle said "well then take a hell no" Olivia said rasing her voice with Rochelle letting go of the door before Olivia slamming the door in her face

Some time went by and Spencer came back from the gym and saw Olivia on her bed watching tv with Spencer walking up to her "hey baby" Spencer said trying to kiss Olivia's cheek but liv pushed him back "babe please take a shower " Olivia said while covering her nose "Baby shut up , you know you like my sweat" Spencer said getting in Olivia face "I'm serious Spencer " Olivia said while pushing Spencer back and laughing with Spencer chuckling before walking to the bathroom to take a shower

Olivia was on her phone scrolling through Instagram went she got a text from Rochelle

Roachell🪳: wanna face time ?

Me : *read*

A few minutes went by and Spencer came out the shower with his towel on with Olivia staring at his abs and mussels "your so fine" Olivia said getting off of her bed and walking towards Spencer before pulling his towel down getting on her knees "baby what are y-" Spencer said before Olivia started sucking his dick "damn liv" Spencer grunted causing Olivia to put the whole thing in her mouth with Olivia doing her thing for 5 minutes before taking it out of her mouth "you like that shit huh?" Olivia said while bitting her lip "yes baby , keep going" Spencer whined " no thanks I wanna watch tv now" Olivia said before getting off of her knees "baby stop playing" Spencer said with a straight face with Olivia trying her best not to laugh before hoping on her bed Turing her tv on ignoring Spencer with Spencer shaking his head and changing into his clothes

It was 8:00 pm and Spencer and Olivia were cuddling while watching Martin when they heard a noise on Olivia's window with Spencer and Olivia both looking at each other before getting up walking to the window looking down seeing Rochelle throwing rocks with Olivia quickly opening her window "I know you are not throwing rocks on my window " Olivia yelled "sorry girl I just wanted to know if you were up" Rochelle said while smiling up at her " I am not your girl " Olivia said you will be tho Rochelle said in her head before saying " I'm sorry I love you bye girl  " Rochelle said before barking like a dog while walking off with Spencer looking at her like she's crazy before Olivia closed her window while shaking her head and laying on her bed with Spencer joining her "that girl is something else" Olivia said "right just hella weird" Spencer said

I don't like how this chapter turned out but I hope you guys enjoyed, if you have any requests please comment <333

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