take as much time

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Three weeks went by since the incident. it was around 3:00am & Spencer and Olivia were sleeping with Spencer holding Olivia in his arms . "Take this dick you stupid slut" Asher said "Asher please stop" Olivia said while crying "you know what " Asher said before beating Olivia up and forcing his penis inside of her with Olivia instantly waking up crying with Spencer hearing her and waking up rubbing her back "another bad dream?" Spencer whispered with Olivia nodding before wiping her tears "I'm so sorry baby" Spencer said before laying Olivia on his chest kissing her head softly

spelivia woke up around the same time and were in the kitchen "you want pancakes or waffles?" Spencer asked with Olivia looking down not saying anything before Spencer went up to her lifting chin up so she could look at him "baby you need to eat something, even if it's something small" Spencer said before caressing her cheek "fine I'll just have pancakes " Olivia said with Spencer nodding and making her breakfast with Olivia walking to the living room Turing on the tv

once olivia finished eating , her and Spencer were going for a walk holding hands  "I feel like he's still alive and he's coming for me" Olivia said with her voice cracking with Spencer looking at her "baby he's gone and even if he "is"'alive I'm not letting him touch you , I promise " Spencer said before kissing Olivia's hand multiple times "but what if-" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off "there isn't no what if's , that man is gone baby" Spencer said with Olivia taking a deep sigh before nodding

Olivia and Spencer were now at the park on the swing "you know , I can't wait to take our future kids here " Spencer said before Turing his head looking at Olivia "you want kids?" Olivia asked "yes of course , I mean do you want ki-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off "hell yeah" Olivia said before chuckling softly with Spencer smiling

"babe your too big for that tiny ass slide " Olivia said while chuckling "No I'm not " Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "you better get out of there before you get stuck" Olivia said before laughing with Spencer ignoring her trying to slide down the slide but he was too big "see I told you , that your ass was too big" Olivia said with Spencer getting off the slide and Olivia hitting his arm playfully " I knew that " Spencer joked before laughing with Olivia

Spencer and Olivia were now at the bakers house making brownies when they heard a knock at the door " I'll get it babe" Spencer said with Olivia nodding before continuing making the brownies with Spencer opening the door seeing Rochelle holding flowers and a card

"um what are you doing here and what is this ?" Spencer said while narrowing his eyebrows "please tell me you didn't think these were for you " Rochelle said with Spencer being confused "there for Olivia silly , I heard about what happened a few weeks ago and I figured i apologize to her about what happened in  the store " Rochelle said

Meanwhile Olivia was getting impatient for Spencer to come back ,  she walked towards the door hearing Rochelle "oh hey olivia i-" Rochelle said with Olivia Cutting her off "save it, what the hell are you doing here? " Olivia said raising her tone  "baby Rochelle was j-" Spencer said before getting cut off "just what? Giving you flowers and a card?" Olivia said before looking at Rochelle disgusted " Olivia I promise it's not what it looks like I actuall-" Rochelle said before Olivia cut her off "actually what? Trying to steal my man ? or -" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off "baby Rochelle bought the flowers and card for you , not me" Spencer said with Olivia norrowing her eyebrows and looking at Rochelle

"yes olivia it's true , I have no interest in Spencer he's just a friend of mines" Rochelle said with Olivia slowly nodding

"Come inside" Olivia said with Rochelle nodding and walking inside sitting on the couch with Spencer and Olivia doing the same with Rochelle handing Olivia the flowers and card with her taking it reading the card

"again Olivia , I am so sorry about calling you crazy in the store and approaching you the wrong way " Rochelle said "mhm" Olivia mumbled " I'll give you two a second to talk" Spencer said with Olivia nodding before Spencer kissed her cheek

"so your actually sorry and you don't have any feelings for my man?" Olivia asked for the tenth time with Rochelle chuckling softly " tes Olivia , I'm hoping we can move on , even if we don't become best friends I hope you don't look at me as 'the girl who steals or is all up on people's man's' because that's not who I am, I promise " Rochelle said with Olivia nodding slowly before Rochelle got up hugging liv with her not hugging her back

" oh don't be like that liv" Rochelle said before pulling away "sorry Rochelle but your going to have to earn my trust and respect " Olivia said while shrugging with Rochelle taking a deep sigh nodding

few hours went by since Rochelle left with Spencer & Olivia eating cookies while watching Martin "so how did it go with Rochelle?" Spencer asked while holding Olivia hand "it was alright I guess , it's just going to take me some time to trust her" Olivia said with Spencer nodding "take as much time as you need baby , because I don't trust her either " Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly with Spencer joining

I hope you guys enjoyed this late update🤍, but I wanna know,do you guys trust Rochelle?👀

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