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Later that night

"you sure you on birth control? " Spencer grunted "yes baby now cum in me" Olivia moaned while riding Spencer with Spencer bitting his lip before climaxing in her "mmmm" Olivia moaned softly before getting off a Spencer and laying next to him kissing him passionately before pulling away "I love you" Olivia whispered "I love you more" Spencer said before kissing Olivia softly

it was the next morning and Olivia was sleeping on Spencer's chest before waking up feeling sick . She ran to the bathroom before throwing up with Spencer hearing her before walking to the bathroom " you good baby ?" Spencer asked while kneeling down rubbing liv's back "no" Olivia said "wanna go to the doct-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off "no , I'm fine " Olivia said before getting up and walking out of the bathroom with Spencer taking a deep sigh

Olivia was sleeping while Spencer was making breakfast , once he was done he woke Olivia up to tell her that breakfast was ready . Olivia woke up and walked to the kitchen smelling the food and instantly running to the bathroom to throw it with Spencer following her moving her hair out of the way "baby I think we should really see a do-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off "My God Spencer I'm fine I don't want or need to go the doctors can you stop fucking asking " Olivia said raising her tone "no your not fine this is the second time your throwing up liv" Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes before standing up facing him "oh so you think something is wrong with me ?" Olivia said crossing her arms "I never said th-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off "yes you did you probably thi-" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off "pregnant liv I think your pregnant " Spencer said raising his tone with Olivia not knowing what to say before sitting down on the floor with Spencer sitting with her "that's impossible, I'm on birth control " Olivia said "are you sure?" Spencer asked " I don't even know" Olivia mumbled with Spencer taking a deep sigh "baby you should've told me" Spencer said with Olivia crying " I'm so stupid" Olivia cried with Spencer holding her " no , no your not baby , and listen if you are pregnant and whatever you plan on doing with the baby I will be by your side Olivia, I promise " Spencer said kissing her head "can we set an appointment? " Olivia asked "of course baby " Spencer said before pulling out his phone

Spencer and Olivia were in the car with Spencer driving "you nervous?" Spencer asked with Olivia's leg bouncing "of course I'm nervous I could possibly be a mother and I'm not ready , yes I want kids but not right now" Olivia said "so...if you are pregnant are you going to abort it?" Spencer asked with Olivia taking a deep sigh "fuck" Olivia said before she started to break down with Spencer pulling over holding her hand

"baby look at me " Spencer said with Olivia looking up at him with Spencer wiping her tears "i shouldn't be crying" Olivia said with her voice cracking "baby it's okay to cry" Spencer said " Spencer " Olivia said " yes babe?" Spencer replied with Olivia taking a deep sigh "if I know pregnant.." Olivia said before taking another deep sigh with Spencer rubbing her back "take your time liv" Spencer said with Olivia slowly nodding "if I'm pregnant...I want to keep the baby " Olivia said with Spencer smiling " you do?" Spencer asked " yes , even tho we are young and all a baby is a blessing from God an-" before Olivia could finish her sentence Spencer kissed her passionately with Olivia kissing him back before pulling away "don't get to excited now , because I might not even be pregnant " Olivia said with Spencer frowning knowing she was right before driving to the doctors

" Olivia baker, im ready for you" The nurse said with Olivia getting up "okay, uh can my boyfriend come?" Olivia asked "of course" the nurse said with Spencer getting up and the doctor leading them to their room

"Alright Olivia, I'm going to ask you some questions and I need you to be honest " the nurse said with Olivia nodding "okay , when was the last time you had sex?" The nurse asked with Spencer looking down "um last night" Olivia said "okay , are you on birth control?" The doctor asked "uh I think I was last night , that's when I told my boyfriend to know " Olivia said with the nurse catching on you before asking a few more questions

"Okay liv take this pregnancy test in the bathroom, and as soon as you take it bring it to me so I can tell you the news" the nurse said with Olivia nodding and going to the bathroom "do you want her to be pregnant?" The nurse asked facing Spencer "yes I do" Spencer said looking down smiling with the nurse nodding

Olivia then came out of the bathroom and handed the nurse her test before sitting next to Spencer . Five minutes went by and the results were in "okay Olivia you are...."

Do y'all want liv to be pregnant right now or later ?? because I have no idea if I want her to be pregnant or not💀. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of you have any requests please comment 🤍🤍

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