its okay

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Spencer fell to the floor in pain before passing out with Olivia getting in her knees "oh my gosh" Olivia said with tears welling up in her eyes holding Spencer before pulling her phone out calling an ambulance

Jordan and Simone walked in and saw blood by the door before seeing Spencer in Olivia's arm "oh my gosh what happened?" Jordan said feeling his heart drop "Andre did this" Olivia cried with Simone rubbing Olivia's back " this is all my fault maybe i-" Olivia said before Simone cut her off " liv this is not your fault we will deal with Andre and Jasmine later but right now we have to worry about Spencer " Simone said before the ambulance arrived "are you his girlfriend?" The nurse asked "y-es" Olivia stuttered "okay come ride with us" the nurse said

"we will meet you at the hospital sis" Jordan said with Olivia nodding and the nurse taking Spencer and Olivia to the ambulance truck

Olivia was holding on to Spencer's hand crying "he's going to be okay honey" a nurse said with Olivia not saying anything "how'd this happen?" The nurse asked with Olivia zoning out getting flashback's of when Spencer first got shot two years ago "Olivia?" The nursed said with Olivia snapping out of it "huh yes?" Olivia stuttered "never mind sweetheart" the nurse said giving liv a half smile

Olivia was in the waiting room when grace came in walking up to Olivia "what happened? Where's Spencer ?" Grace said with tears falling down her face with Olivia hugging her before Olivia could say anything a doctor came up to them "Olivia baker right?" The doctor asked with Olivia nodding and grace squeezing her hand " Good news , Spencer is gong to be okay he had a successful surgery " the doctor said with grace and Olivia smiling "and the bad news?" Olivia said "well he's not going to be able to play football for another six to ten months" the doctor said with grace and Olivia's smile fading " I'll give you two a minute, oh and your free to see him whenever you're ready " the doctor said before walking away with grace and Olivia sitting down "wow" grace said with olivia shaking her head "poor Spencer " Olivia said "my baby is going to be so devastated when he hears the news " grace said crying with Olivia wiping her tears and hugging her

ten minutes went by and Olivia went to go see Spencer she walked in the room and noticed he was up " hey baby " Spencer said with Olivia sitting down before crying " hey hey what's wrong?" Spencer said " you didn't deserve this" Olivia said while still crying with Spencer taking a deep sigh

"so Andre really shot me huh?" Spencer asked with Olivia slowly nodding

  "baby I don't know if the doctor told you but-" Olivia said before Spencer cut her off "I Can't play football for the next six to ten months, yea I know" Spencer said looking down " I'm so sorry baby , I know how much football means to you" Olivia said before holding Spencer's hand kissing it "Olivia" Spencer said " yes baby?" Olivia replied "I love you" Spencer said with tears welling up in his eyes and Olivia kissing his hand again " I love you more" Olivia replied

Olivia was with Spencer for a few hours when she had a plan to get at jasmine and Andre, She left Spencer a note saying that she will be back and headed off

Olivia was with Simone and Darnell telling them the plan " you sure about this?" Simone asked " yes , now let's get to business " Olivia said with Simone and Darnell nodding Simone starting her car

"I shot the man's leg knot head" Andre said while laughing with Jasmine " ahhh that's my baby and stop calling me knot head " Jasmine said "whatever knot head" Andre said before leaning in to kiss Jasmine before there was a knock at the door " I'll get it dre" Jasmine said before opening the door seeing Simone,Olivia and Darnell "hey Jasmine " Olivia said smiling with Jasmine trying to close the door but Simone held it "where the hell do you think your going?" Simone said with Jasmine getting scared " knot head what's taking so long?"andre said walking up to the door seeing Olivia , Simone and Darnell "hello my enemy's , oooh liv you look hella fine" Andre said bitting his lip with Darnell pulling out his tazer with the girls pulling out their bats and hammers with Andre and Jasmine laughing

"yall are funny" Jasmine said while laughing "right knot head anyways good night , oh and by the way I hope Spencer dies" Andre said while trying to close the door but Darnell tazed him and Jasmine before Darnell, Simone, and Olivia walked in closing the door handling their business

Grace was with Spencer when she decided to text Olivia

Me : everything good ?

"Naw bring your ass back here" Olivia said dragging Jasmine by her legs before punching  her . Darnell was tazing the hell out of Andre before he started throwing punches and hitting him hard on the wall .

Simone decided to Cutt one of jasmines fingers off "ahhhhhh"Jasmine screamed with Simone laughing and Olivia getting off of Jasmine before kicking her stomach hard . Seven minutes of torture went by and Darnell and simone put handcuffs on Jasmine and Andre  "I hope tonight made it clear that I am not the one to play with " Olivia said "yea or else we will do this again , but even worse" Simone said "do we make ourselves clear? " Darnell said with Jasmine and Andre not saying anything with Darnell pulling out his tazer "uht uht, let me do it" Olivia said with Darnell handing it to her before tazing andre and Jasmine for 15 long seconds "NOW DO WE MAKE OURSELVES CLEAR??" Olivia said raising her tone " yes " Andre and Jasmine said at the same time with Olivia , Darnell and Simone walking out

First I would like to say , thank you guys so much for 10k reads , I love you all so much🤍🤍!! But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of you have any requests please comment <3

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