Happy ending

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(Side note : Olivia was eight months pregnant) "BABY WHERE IS MY FLAT IRON" Olivia yelled from her room "baby it's in your dressing room" Spencer yelled back " NO ITS NOT I CANT FIND IT" Olivia said before crying with Spencer hearing her before walking in their room "baby don't cry, I'll find it for you" Spencer said rubbing her back "okay" she said before wiping her tears

Spencer walked in her dressing room and saw the flat iron on her dresser he chuckled softly before picking it up "baby it was on your dresser" Spencer said with Olivia narrowing her eyebrows "wait it was?" Olivia said "yes liv" Spencer said chuckled softly while handing liv her flat iron

"oh well..thanks baby, I'll be ready in 20 minutes " Olivia said before kissing his cheek before trying to walk away but Spencer grabbed her arm " uht uht give me a real kiss " Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly before leaning in giving him a passionate kiss before slowly pulling away "happy?" Olivia said sarcastically before walking away with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully before smacking her butt with Olivia laughing while walking to her dressing room

Spencer and Olivia were now at a restaurant when some fans of Spencer walked up to him "ahh my favorite couple" a girl said with spelivia smiling "can me and my sister get a picture?" The girl asked "of course" Spencer said with the girls smiling before pulling out their phones taking a picture with Spencer "thank you so much ! oh and Olivia I love your clothing line " the girl said "aww thank you so much" Olivia said while smiling " your welcome, I hope you two have a great day" the girl said "thanks you too" Spencer said before the girls walked away. "That was so sweet" Olivia before taking a bite of her salad "yes it was" Spencer said before smiling

Spencer and Olivia were now in the car heading to the pool with jimone, When Olivia got a call from Simone "miss girl , where the hell are you and Spencer?" Simone asked with Olivia chuckling softly "we are on our way sis, just a lot of traffic " Olivia said with Simone taking a dramatic sigh "ughhhhhh please hurry uppp" Simone said with Spencer chuckling softly hearing Simone whine  "okay Simone" Olivia said before hanging up

Spencer and Olivia arrived at the pool with jimone and were chilling "girl , you not gon get in?" Simone asked "my daughter says no" Olivia said with Simone rolling her eyes playfully before splashing some water on liv "Simone !!" Olivia said with Simone laughing and Olivia rolling her eyes playfully before feeling water coming out of her

Meanwhile Spencer was with Jordan getting drinks when he got a call from Simone he answered it and put it on speaker "FUCK THEM DRINKS AND HURRY YALL ASSES HERE OLIVIA'S WATER JUST BROKE" Simone yelled with Spencer and Jordan looking at each other before dropping their drinks and running to where the girls were

They were now all in the car "breathe liv" Simone said brushing Olivia's hair back with Olivia taking deep breath's "five more minutes baby you got this" Spencer said

"My wife is about to give birth" Spencer said to the lady up front with her nodding before getting some doctors putting liv on a wheel  stretcher "when the baby's out let us know" Simone said with Spencer nodding before following the doctors to liv's room

"Okay Olivia looks like the baby is ready to come out right now so imma need you to push" the nurse said with Spencer holding Olivia's hand with her squeezing it with every push "the head is out keep pushing honey" the nurse said with Olivia shaking her head "I CANT" Olivia cried out loud

  "baby you got this keep pushing" Spencer said with Olivia nodding before doing another push " one more Olivia" the nurse said "I'm tired" Olivia said cried "cmon baby you got this just one more push" Spencer said with Olivia squeezing his hand before doing one last push while screaming

"Here is your beautiful baby girl" the nurse said handing Olivia her baby with tears welling up both of Spelivia's eyes "oh my gosh she is so beautiful " Olivia said with tears going down her face "she gets it from her mommy" Spencer said with Olivia smiling "you still like the name kehlani?" Spencer asked with Olivia nodding while holding her daughters hand

"hold her baby" Olivia said softly with Spencer smiling before she gave kehlani away to her dad "wow" Spencer said

"she has your eyes" Olivia said  while smiling with tears welling up in Spencer's eyes "yes she does..she also has your beauty" he said with Olivia giving him a warm smile

Olivia and Spencer's family were all taking turns holding kehlani "aww shes adorable" Simone said "yes she is" Laura said "okay now let me hold my Niece" Kia said with Simone rolling her eyes playfully before handing kehlani to Kia "hey princess..it's your favorite auntie" Kia said playing with kehlani's fingers "I said it once and I'll say it again , in your dreams " Simone said with everyone in the room laughing

(2 days later) Spencer was strapping his daughter up in her car seat while Olivia was in the passengers seat once he got finished he walked around his car to get in the driver seat with Olivia turning looking at her daughter "I can't take my eyes off of her" Olivia said with Spencer smiling "yeah me neither she's so beautiful " Spencer said while looking at his daughter

"baby" Olivia said facing Spencer "yes liv?" Spencer said softly "I love you" she said with Spencer smiling "I love you more...both of you" Spencer said referring to his daughter before Olivia kissed him passionately "parenthood here we come" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly before starting his car driving home

THE ENDDD !! Ahhh I just wanna say thank y'all so so much for the love and support on this book . my day ones , my mutual's, my besties , y'all know who you are lmaoo😭Oh and I will be doing a 2.0 of this book so stay tuned...but other than that I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I did . again thank you all so much🤍🤍

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