only you

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Three weeks went by since Spencer has seen or heard from Asher . Spencer and Olivia were in the pool chilling and enjoying each other's company "why the hell are you so pretty?" Spencer said with Olivia blushing "baby stop" Olivia said covering her face with Spencer removing her hands and placing his hand on her chin leaning in to give her a slow and passionate kiss before pulling away "i love you so much my beautiful queen " Spencer said with Olivia blushing"I love you too Spencer my handsome king" Olivia said with Spencer leaving in again giving her another kiss.Spelivia was now inside of the bakers house and were playing board games "baby you suck at this " Olivia Said "not my fault this game is hard" Spencer replied "it's not even hard , you just suck " Olivia said before laughing with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully and laughing with her.

After they played games they were cuddling and watching movies "you for real crying baby?" Spencer said looking at Olivia "yes , you should be crying to" Olivia said wiping her tears "I mean it's not that sad" Spencer said before laughing "man stop laughing" Olivia said before throwing a pillow at him with Spencer laughing even harder " I hate you " Olivia said while chuckling softly " okay liv the crybaby " Spencer chuckled with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully

"baby I'm bored , can we go to the store " Olivia whined "baby we just started this movie you sure you want to go to the store?" Spencer replied "man fuck this movie and yes I want to go right now" Olivia said dramatically "baby relax and fine go get ready " Spencer said rolling his eyes playfully with Olivia getting off the couch excitedly and heading to her room to get ready . She finally came down " you ready" Spencer said "ready as I'll ever be" Olivia replied in excitement. They walked out the door and went inside the car with Spencer starting the car and drying off with Olivia being excited "baby why are you so excited, we are just going to the store " Spencer said while chuckling softly "I don't know im just excited, let a girl me happy " Olivia said while smiling hard"okay baby whatever you say " Spencer said before chuckling softly

They finally got to the store and Olivia and Spencer were in the junk food section " we finna eat real good tonight " Olivia said while smiling hard "baby this isn't real food" Spencer said "I don't care " Olivia replied with Spencer looking down smiling. While they were walking around the store Rochelle noticed them and went up to them "is that my favorite football player?" Rochelle said with spelivia turning around with Rochelle walking up to them "who the hell is that ?" Olivia said looking at Spencer confused, before Spencer could say anything Rochelle gave him a tight hug with Spencer not hugging her back and looking at Olivia  "oh my gosh I haven't seen you in forever , you have no idea how much I missed you " Rochelle said "Rochelle please stop hugging me" Spencer said with Rochelle stepping back smillng, with Olivia feeling a certain way "ahem" Olivia said with Rochelle looking at her "oh , are you Spencer's sister?" Rochelle said smiling " no I'm-" Olivia said before getting interrupted "let me guess his friend? Rochelle said " no I'm his-" Olivia said with Spencer putting his head down knowing this wasn't going to end good " wait no your hi-" Rochelle said before she got cut off Olivia "GIRLFRIEND IM SPENCER'S GIRLFRIEND " Olivia yelled with Rochelle looking at Olivia in shocked " Girl you crazy " Rochelle mumbled "say that again , I dare you" Olivia said getting in Rochelle's face with Spencer pulling her back "baby she's not worth it " Spencer said with Olivia looking up and down at her disgusted before walking away "nice seeing you" Rochelle said while smirking with Olivia giving her the middle finger

Olivia and Spencer went up to the cashier , payed for their groceries and went to the car with Olivia having an attitude the whole time, as soon as they got in the car Spencer looked over and Olivia and said "alright , what's going on?" " I don't know go ask that roach or whatever her name is" Olivia said looking at the window "baby, if you think me and her have or had something going on , we don't " Spencer said with Olivia still looking at the window "okay cool , can we leave now, I'm getting tired" Olivia said with an attitude with Spencer sighing and starting the car and driving off

Once they got home Olivia immediately ran up to her room and went on her bed crying with Spencer hearing her and opening her door "baby talk to me" Spencer said with Olivia still crying and looking at Spencer "I just feel like you'll leave me for her or another female " Olivia said before crying some more with Spencer going up to her and hugging her tightly "baby don't you ever say that " Spencer said "but what if-" Olivia said looking down before getting cut off "baby listen to me and listen to me good , when I tell you that I am IN love with you and that YOU are the ONLY one for me and that I'm NEVER and I mean never leaving you , I mean it with my whole heart" Spencer said before putting his hand on her chin and having her look at him "do you hear me" Spencer said with Olivia nodding and Spencer giving her a passionate kiss before pulling away and wiping her tears "I love you so much liv , that will never change , not even in a million years" Spencer said with Olivia smiling softly with Spencer holding her in his arms kissing her head

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, might post another one tonight❤️

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