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it was the next morning and Spencer and Olivia were sleeping peacefully on the couch when Olivia kept hearing Spencer's phone buzz she picked it up and saw a whole bunch of messages from jasmine

Hey sexy
Wyd ?
Leave Olivia for me
You know you want me
i just wanna taste it..
Yesterday was fun👅

Olivia felt her blood boiling when she read the last message she rolled her eyes before getting her phone out taking a picture of the message before getting her stuff when Jordan saw her walking towards the door "where are you going ?" Jordan asked "don't worry about it" Olivia said annoyed before opening the door with Jordan trying to stop her but it was too late

Olivia walked in her dorm and saw Simone washing her face " you good sis?" Simone asked with Olivia putting her stuff on her bed before crying with Simone being confused but going up to her sitting on her bed hugging Olivia "what's wrong?" Simone asked "he's seeing jasmine" Olivia cried "girl that's impossible Spencer would never cheat on you" Simone said with Olivia pulling out her phone showing Simone the text messages with Simone narrowing her eyebrows "I thought he loved me" Olivia said with her voice cracking "liv he does , this has to be some misunderstanding because Spencer would never and I mean never cheat on you" Simone said with Olivia still crying

Spencer woke up and didn't see Olivia he looked around his dorm but couldn't find her "yo Jordan , where did liv go?" Spencer asked with Jordan taking a deep sigh "she left , and she wasn't happy either " Jordan said with Spencer being confused before pulling out his phone seeing the messages from jasmine "oh shit" Spencer mumbled" you good Spence?" Jordan asked with Spencer telling Jordan everything that happened

"well long has Jasmine been doing this?" Jordan asked "a month " Spencer said "why didn't you tell liv?" Jordan said narrowing his eyebrows "I don't know, we were in a really good place and-" Spencer said before Jordan cut him off "man, you fucked up" Jordan said with Spencer looking down shaking his head disappointed in himself

Few hours went by and Spencer was blowing up Olivia's phone but she wasn't answering he started getting annoyed so he decided to show up at her dorm, he opened his door and saw jasmine in a silky robe "hey sexy" jasmine said letting her self in closing the door behind her "you need to leave" Spencer said "baby I just got here" jasmine whined " I don't give a shit , now leave" Spencer said raising his tone with jasmine being turned on "your so cute when your mad" jasmine said walking closer to him "jasmine leave" Spencer demanded but jasmine ignored him as she started unbuttoning Spencer's shirt with Jordan walking out of his room seeing them "unbelievable " Jordan said "Jordan it's not what it looks like i-" Spencer said before Jordan cut him off "save it Spencer, liv is better off without you" Jordan said before walking out "thats true liv is better off without you and you are better off with me " jasmine said while laughing "GET THE HELL OUT" Spencer yelled with jasmine rolling her eyes "okay daddy" jasmine said before walking out and Spencer sitting on his bed frustrated

Jordan had no choice but to tell liv what he saw so he knocked on her dorm with Simone answering it "hey babe , how is she holding up?" Jordan asked seeing Olivia sleeping "she's still hurt , what's going on?" Simone said stepping outside of her dorm closing it "I have to tell you something " Jordan said "go on" Simone said with Jordan telling her what happened

"your kidding right?" Simone said speechless "I wish I was-" Jordan said before he got cut off by Simone "did you let Spencer finish his sentence?" Simone asked with Jordan shaking his head "baby why?" Simone said "I don't know , I just was pissed off and disappointed in him" Jordan said with Simone sighing "I'll go talk to him while you stay with liv" Simone said with Jordan nodding and Simone heading off to Spencer's dorm

Spencer was crying when he heard a knock at the door he quickly wiped his tears and answered it seeing Simone "hey Simone" Spencer said looking down "hey Spencer, can we talk?" Simone asked with Spencer nodding at letting her inside

"I don't want to lose her" Spencer cried with Simone hugging him "shhhh your not going to lose her I promise, but I have a few questions for you" Simone said with Spencer pulling away and nodding "why was Jasmine here?"  Simone asked "I don't know , I'm guessing she heard about liv seeing the messages and thought that she could seduce me since I might be lonely at the moment " Spencer said with Simone slowly nodding " did you kiss jasmine?" Simone asked "hell no" Spencer replied " good because if you did I would've killed your ass" Simone said chuckling softly "but anyways, your going to have to tell liv what happened and make it up to her" Simone said with Spencer taking a deep sigh before nodding "I will...tonight " Spencer said with Simone nodding before hugging Spencer "thanks Simone " Spencer said with Simone smiling "of course , now go get your girl Spence"Simone said with Spencer chuckling softly with Simone heading out the door

Simone is coming through with the advice👏🏾👏🏾. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if you have any requests please comment💕

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