your dead

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It was the next day and Spelivia were at ihop eating breakfast "these eggs are so good" Olivia before taking another bite of her food "not as good as these pancakes "Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully before Spencer looked at her finger and noticed Olivia wearing the ring with Olivia noticing him looking "I love it so much baby , when I tell you I'm never taking it off , I mean it" Olivia said with Spencer looking at her smiling before Olivia leaned in kissing his cheek

Spencer pulled up to the bakers house "thanks for taking me out " Olivia said " of course baby , I'll see you later today " Spencer said before Olivia nodded before leaning in kissing him softly "good bye my love" Olivia said "bye baby " Spencer said before Olivia got out his car and walked inside her house with Spencer driving off

olivia was home alone making cookies when she got a text from an unknown number

Unknown # : I said it once and I'll say it again , you will be mines

Olivia : Asher you need to give up

as soon as she sent that message Asher came out of the closet downstairs in a hoodie running up to Olivia with liv Turing around with Asher knocking her out

Asher dragged her inside of his truck and drove off . He then pulled up to the location and picked her up carrying her bridal style noticing she had a ring on her finger he quickly got jealous and took the ring off of her finger putting it in his pocket . once he got her inside he put handcuffs on her and tied her up to a pole , with Olivia slowly waking up " good morning baby" Asher said in a low tone "where am I ? What's going on ? Why are you here? " Olivia said scared and confused

"it's okay baby, if you don't want to get hurt you better do what I say" Asher said "Asher get these fucking handcuffs off of me" Olivia demanded

"Aw your so cute when your mad " Asher said getting in liv's face with Olivia spitting on him with Asher wiping her spit off of his face and putting it in his mouth

"mmm tasty" Asher said while bitting his lip "God you are disgusting" Olivia said before rolling her eyes with Asher smirking and walking away

"wait where is my ring" Olivia said raising her tone with Asher turning around and pulling the ring out of his pocket "oh this ring?" Asher said teasing her with Olivia's blood boiling "give it to me now " Olivia demanded with Asher laughing at her before walking away with Olivia breaking down thinking that she was going to stay in this abandoned place forever

Spencer was blowing Olivia's phone up but it kept going straight to voicemail "something isn't right" he mumbled before walking out of his house going to the bakers house . Spencer pulled up and unlocked the door to the bakers house noticing Olivia's phone on the kitchen table Spencer grabbed it and checked the whole house trying to find Olivia but he didn't find her , he started worrying and called Jordan , Simone , billy and Laura asking if they seen her and they all said no

Spencer was deep thinking who could've done this? think Spencer way it's...Asher" Spencer said In his head before grabbing his keys and walking out of the bakers house ready to find olivia and kill Asher

welp Asher is definitely gon get his ass dealt with😀, but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter if you have any requests please comment🤍

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