one in a millon

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Some months went by and spelivia and jimone graduated high school and were now in college . They were all at Dunkin' Donuts talking "how are you and Spencer?" Simone asked "we are great we have our fights and stuff but other than that we are better and stronger than ever" Olivia said before looking at Spencer with Spencer looking at her smiling "aw I'm happy for you guys" Simone said while smiling " thanks girl , how's my brother treating you" Olivia asked with Jordan rolling his eyes playfully "we are in a really good place , thanks for asking" Simone said with Olivia smiling before nodding

Spencer and Jordan shared and dorm while Simone and Olivia shared a dorm . Simone and Olivia were putting a face mask on while listening to music when Olivia got a call from Spencer with Olivia answering it smiling "hello my love" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly on the other end of the phone "hello my queen, what is your pretty self doing right now?" Spencer said with Olivia blushing hard "girl your turning red " Simone said with Spencer hearing her "shut up" Olivia said before laughing "oh is that true?" Spencer asked with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "yes but that's nothing knew , you always make me blush even if your not doing anything " Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly

it was the next day and Olivia woke up and went on her phone to face time Spencer "good morning sexy" Spencer said in a deep voice with Olivia being turned on "good morning handsome " Olivia said while smiling "y'all better not have phone sex "Simone said in a sleepy voice with Olivia's and Spencer's mouth dropping "girl shut up" Olivia said before laughing and throwing a pillow at her with Simone laughing and Spencer chuckling softly "anyways how's you sleep?" Olivia asked with Spencer rubbing his eyes "I slept alright , I would've slept better if you were in my arms " Spencer said with Olivia blushing "same baby , I should get ready tho , I'll see you at school " Olivia said "yeah me too see you soon baby , I love you" Spencer said "I love you more" Olivia said smiling before hanging up

Olivia and Spencer were in the same class with Spencer sitting behind Olivia . Olivia was doing her work when she saw a piece of paper threw at her desk she chuckled softly knowing who it was from she looked back at Spencer before smiling and opening it

I love you I love you I love you I love youI love you I love youI love you I love youI love you I love youI love you I love youI love you I love you

Olivia started blushing before looking back at Spencer "I love you more" Olivia mouthed with Spencer smiling before looking down

Spencer was outside with Darnell eating lunch  (since Olivia's lunch was at a different time) when Jasmine walked up to them  "hey fellas" jasmine said sitting across from them,  with the boys not saying anything "anyways, Spencer you look extra fine today , I just know it's big " jasmine said while smirking at him with Darnell shaking his head before looking down "look jasmine, I'm not trying or planning on being with you , so can you stop throwing your self on to me , I have a girlfriend " Spencer said with jasmine rolling her eyes "cmon Spencer you know you want to hit this " jasmine said pulling her shirt down so her breast where popping with Spencer and Darnell looking away immediately " jasmine just leave" Darnell said still looking away , with jasmine rolling her eyes before leaving "whatever , I'll be back" jasmine said I cannot stand her ass" Spencer said " me neither" Darnell said

Olivia was with Kia and Simone in art class " this project is so hard" Kia whined "I know right " Simone said with Olivia chuckling softly "it's not" Olivia said "easy for you to say , all you do is draw and paint" Simone said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "your ring is so pretty" Kia said looking at her promise ring with Olivia smiling "thanks girl , how are you and Darnell " Olivia asked with Kia blushing "we are really good , he treats me and loves me like a queen " Kia said with Olivia smiling

Spencer was at his dorm when he heard a knock at his door he opened it before smiling seeing Olivia in a onesie and snacks in her hand "hey baby" Spencer said before letting Olivia in his dorm "hey babe " Olivia said while blushing "I'm guessing we're having a movie night" Spencer said while smiling "you got that right , now change into you onesie that's matching mines " Olivia said before touching Spencer's nose playfully with Spencer chuckling softly before changing his onesie

Spencer and Olivia were watching are we there yet " I swear these kids are annoying" Spencer said with Olivia laughing "ours won't be" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly before pausing the movie looking at Olivia "how many kids do you want?" Spencer asked with Olivia smiling "100" Olivia joked "wait for re-" Spencer said before Olivia cut him off " no baby I'm just playing, but two would be nice" Olivia said with " yes it would " Spencer said while smiling before unpausing the movie holding Olivia in his arms

jasmine needs to move along, but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of you have any requests please comment 🤍

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