testing me

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Spencer and Olivia were at the mall in the food court eating ice cream "baby chocolate is obviously the best ice cream flavor " Spencer said "oh hell no , the best flavored ice cream is obviously vanilla " Olivia said before laughing "yeah whatever " Spencer said rolling his eyes playfully

"let's go find somewhere to sit " Spencer said with Olivia nodding . Spelivia was sitting down and Olivia was admiring her man watching his tongue go around his ice cream "you want some or?" He said with Olivia snapping out of her thoughts "no baby I was just in my thoughts " Olivia replied "what were you thinking about" Spencer asked curious

"you licking that ice cream reminds me of the way you eat my pus-" Olivia said before spencer cut her off "shhhhh, your so loud " he said trying his best not to laugh "I don't care if I'm loud or not I'll shout it on top of a roof to let the world know that my man gives the best head " Olivia said before laughing with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully

Spelivia was now inside of footlocker "baby these are dope , you should buy them and plus you need a new pair because your old ones are fucked up" Olivia said pointing at some white air forces with him rolling his eyes playfully "baby shut up they not that messed up" Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully and walking around "this set is cute" Olivia said pointing to a all Nike sports bra and shorts set with Spencer making his way over to her "oooh this would look sexy on you" he said wrapping his arms around her waist with Olivia blushing "even tho everything you wear is sexy" he whispered in her ear with her cheeks turning red

once spelivia picked out the stuff they wanted to buy they went up to the caisher and started putting their items on the desk thing (I don't know what it's called💀) not looking up at the cashier "all right your total is- " Asher said before looking up at Spencer and liv with them still not looking up "oh hey Spencer,hey Olivia" he said with spelivia looking up not saying anything

"um my total is?" Spencer said "$355.00" Asher replied forcing a smile. While putting the shoes and clothes in the bag he kept looking up and down at Olivia "what are you staring at dawg?" Spencer said blocking Olivia from Asher "I can't stare at the most Prettiest girl in the store ?" Asher shot back with Spencer's blood boiling "so I'm guessing you ain't learn your lesson ?" he said with Olivia pulling him back "baby let's just go Asher just wants attention " she said before Asher handed Spencer his bags with him looking at him disgusted and walking off with Olivia

Spencer and Olivia were now sitting in the car with Olivia in the drivers seat "baby are you okay?" she said looking at Spencer while holding his hand "can that man just move on?" Spencer said in frustration with Olivia sighing "

its like he's testing me , it's like he wants his ass to be dead " Spencer said "baby I wish that he would learn his lesson , but sadly he hasn't and...he never will" Olivia said with Spencer taking a deep sigh "wanna go to your dad's cabin?" Olivia suggested with Spencer nodding and smiling with her starting the car and driving off

this chapter is short and kind of all over the place , but I promise y'all the next one will be better , anyways hope you all enjoyed this chapter ❤️

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