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A week went by and Simone was helping Olivia plan her wedding while Spencer was with Jordan "do you want the brides mates do wear the same color dresses?" Simone asked "yes all pink" Olivia replied with Simone nodding and checking it off her list "chocolate cake or vanilla cake?" Simone asked "vanilla " Olivia replied "okayy" Simone said before checking it off of her list "okay and should we send out an invitation to your family back at Beverly right now?" Simone asked "yes we should do it now" Olivia said before Simone nodded and pulled out her phone sending a invitation to all of Olivia's and Spencer's family and friends

Olivia was with Simone looking at dresses "I can't find anything here" Olivia whined with Simone  chuckling softly " it's okay girl let's just keep looking we will find something "Simone said with Olivia slowly nodding

"Simone look" Olivia said pointing to a all white off the shoulder big ball gown "oh my gosh...that's the one"Olivia said "you think? Because it's really big an-" Olivia said before Simone cut her off "girl it's your wedding everything is supposed to be big now go try on that dress"Simone said with Olivia smiling before grabbing the dress and going to the dressing room to try it on . Olivia walked out the dressing room with Simone's mouth dropping "wow" Simone said with Olivia facing the mirror "oh my gosh...this is perfect" Olivia said while looking at herself in the mirror "so beautiful " Simone said with Olivia smiling "thank you so much" Olivia said before hugging Simone"of course girl , is Kia going to do your hair ?" Simone asked with Olivia nodding "perfect because I'm going to do your makeup , I already have an idea in mind" Simone said with Olivia smiling "thanks girl" Olivia said " anytime sis  " Simone replied .

Olivia got out of the dressing room with the dress in her hand going up to the cashier "let me pay for it" Simone said "Simone you don't have to...are you sure?" Olivia asked "yes I'm sure , now let me pay for it" Simone said with Olivia nodding before letting Simone pay for the dress .

They were now out of the mall and inside of the car "how can I ever repay you?" Olivia said "by walking down that aisle " Simone said with Olivia chuckling softly

Spencer and Jordan already bought their suits and were now meeting with the chefs "so a six layer vanilla cake with 200 red velvet cupcakes ?" The chef asked "yup" Spencer said "okay it should be ready in a few days" the chef said "okay thanks " Spencer said " no problem " the chef said before Jordan and Spencer walked out

Olivia was at their hotel on her phone when Spencer walked in "hey baby" Spencer said before kissing Olivia on her cheek with Olivia blushing "hello my love , how did your part of the wedding planning go?" Liv asked "it went great , got three things done today with Jordan, what about you?" Spencer asked with Olivia smiling " it went great Simone was here earlier helping me plan and pick out a wedding dress" Olivia said with Spencer smiling "I can't wait to see you in it" Spencer said with Olivia blushing "do you think you'll cry?" Olivia asked "of course why wouldn't I? " Spencer said "just asking baby" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly before kissing her cheek

This is short , but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ...3-4 more chapters left until this book is finished ahhh😩

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