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"open this baby" Spencer said pulling out a present for liv with Olivia smiling at him before taking it and opening it with tears welling up in Olivia's eyes seeing a infinity necklace with The day Spencer and Olivia met and their name "aw baby" Olivia said before crying with Spencer moving closer to her hugging liv "why are you doing this to me" Olivia cried in to Spencer's shoulder "you deserve it baby for being the best thing that ever happened to me " Spencer said brushing Olivia hair with Olivia smiling before pulling away looking at Spencer with Spencer wiping her tears "I love you so much liv" Spencer said with Olivia smiling "I love you more" Olivia said " impossible because I love you the most" Spencer said with Olivia blushing before leaving in kissing him passionately

After the picnic Spencer and Olivia were in a drive in movie theater watching Friday  while eating popcorn "I love this movie so much" Olivia said while smiling with Spencer chuckling softly "who doesn't?" Spencer said before kissing Olivia's head with Olivia smiling

Once the movie finished Spencer drove them to the bakers house with Olivia sleeping the whole time . Spencer pulled up to the house and looked over at Olivia chuckling softly before waking her up "mmm five more minutes " Olivia moaned " no baby wake up" Spencer said with Olivia rubbing her eyes before waking up "come on baby I have a surprise for you" Spencer said before getting out the car with Olivia blushing and getting out the car too

they entered the house and  "back at one " was playing in the background with Olivia blushing before seeing rose petals on the stairs she covered her mouth with tears welling up in her eyes going up the stairs with Spencer following her . She entered her room and some tears escapes Olivia's eyes when she saw a big teddy bear on her bed with a card and flowers Olivia picked up the card and read it

Baby where do I start , My love for you has no beginning and no end. It is cyclical, like life. It is ever-flowing, like the oceans. It is as boundless as the sky and as vast as the universe. When I see your face, I see my past, my present, my future. When I hold your hand I feel everything inside of me expand. You are my everything. I love you so much baby
- Spencer

Olivia was now crying when she felt Spencer's arm around her waist with Spencer whispering in her ear " I love you so much , forever and always "'Spencer whispered before Olivia turned around facing him "I love you too" Olivia said with Spencer wiping her tears and kissing her passionately with Olivia kissing him back adding tongue

Spencer laid her down on the bed not breaking the kiss he then slowly pulled away taking off his shirt with Olivia sitting up taking her shirt and jeans off , before tugging on Spencer pants with Spencer pulling his pants and briefs down with Olivia unclasping her bra laying back down with Spencer getting on top of her kissing her passionately before sucking on her neck leaving her Hickies with Olivia moaning. Spencer then kissed her all the way down to her panties before slowly removing them and flicking his tongue on her clit going slow at first then fast causing Olivia to moan while gripping the sheets , 10 minutes went by and Olivia reached her climax with Spencer licking her clean before making his way back up to her kissing her before sliding his dick inside not breaking the kiss with Olivia pulling away moaning " Spen-" Olivia moaned with Spencer stroking deep and slowly before kissing Olivia's
Neck "go fast baby" Olivia said seductively with Spencer getting turned on and thrusting deep and fast with Olivia's eyes rolling in the neck of her head and Spencer leaning over whispering in her ear "how do you feel right now?" Spencer whispered in Olivia's ear with her biting her lip " so good" Olivia moaned getting wet with Spencer sucking on her neck still stroking inside of her before leaning in to her ear again  "you feel so good" Spencer whispered with Olivia getting even more wet before she flipped them over getting on top of him before positioning herself before she started bouncing and grinding on his dick with Spencer's hands on her ass while grunting "damn liv" Spencer said with Olivia bitting her lip before leaning over kissing him passionately before twerking on it with Spencer grunting and Olivia pulling back up "ride my face baby" Spencer said with his eyes closed and Olivia moving up to his face sitting on it with Spencer holding her legs so she wouldn't try to run away before going crazy "baby-" Olivia moaned with her head going back and Spencer flicking his tongue fast before before sucking on her clit . Five minutes went by Olivia was trying to move but Spencer was holding on to her legs "Spencer " Olivia moaned loudly with Spencer still doing his thing

Spencer finally let go of her legs with Olivia  getting off of his face before kissing him all the way down to his dick before she licked the tip looking at Spencer before sucking on it "shit liv" Spencer moaned quietly with his head going back with Olivia going faster and Spencer being speechless and grunting

Spencer and Olivia were now cuddling in bed with Olivia laying on his chest "I loved that" Olivia chuckled softly with Spencer smiling "I loved that to baby , you were so good" Spencer said with Olivia getting off of his chest looking at him " you down for round two?" Olivia said bitting her lip with Spencer chuckling softly "hell yeah" Spencer said before grabbing her neck kissing her passionately with Olivia getting on top of him

Aww my bbys are so cute , I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter🤍🤍

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