Just the beginning

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Spencer got in his car and turned his phone on and saw that Olivia was blowing his phone up

My world: Spencer please answer I'm worried sick about you

Spencer : baby I will be okay I promise , I'm doing what I have to do

Spencer said before Turing his phone off starting his car to go to asher's house

he arrived at Asher's house he sat in his car for a few minutes planning everything out , once he had a plan he got out of his car putting his hoodie over his head, He walked up to the door and as soon as Asher answered it Spencer grabbed his neck and held him against the wall

"you ready to get your ass beat, because this is just the beginning " Spencer said with Asher Turing red before Spencer let go of his neck with asher struggling to breath Spencer then pulled out a bat "Spencer please don-" Asher was saying before Spencer swung the bat across his face very had causing Asher's whole face to bleed " GET YO ASS UP" Spencer yelled with Asher struggling to get up but did as he said  "now put your arms out " Spencer demanded with Asher shaking and doing as he asked "now keep them still " Spencer said before hitting the bat on Asher's arm's really hard "FUCKKK" Asher screamed "man shut up" Spencer said before punching his face with Asher trying to punch him back but Spencer grabbed his wrist and twisted it with Asher crying and screaming of pain

Meanwhile Olivia was still at Spencer's house praying that he is okay she heard the door opened and saw grace and Dillon walking in "hey Olivia , where my son I texted and called him but he hasn't answered ?" Grace said looking around "miss.James we need to talk " Olivia said with grace being concern and saying "okay , Dillon go to your room " "okay" Dillon replied

Olivia then told grace everything , with grace being in complete shock and scared knowing how mad Spencer could get "miss.grace please say something " Olivia said with grace looking down and praying "Olivia we need to get him , I know how my son can get and this is a situation where he will definitely go crazy " grace said with Olivia nodding " alright let's go" grace said with Olivia following behind her " Dillon we will be right back " grace said "okay mom" Dillon replied

Grace was starting the car and asked Olivia "you got the address?" "Yes ma'am " Olivia said before typing the address on her phone

Olivia and grace pulled up to the place , and got out of the car as they were walking up to the house they heard screaming and crying Olivia and grace looked at each other and noticed the door was unlocked grace opened the door and saw Spencer on top of Asher punching him nonstop grace quickly ran up to Spencer and pushed him off of Asher "Spencer cut this shit out , look at that man's face, you took this way too far " grace said pointing at Asher

"I'm not looking at the clown's face ma " Spencer said before he noticed Olivia staring at him with tears welling up in her eyes "Spencer apologize, now" grace demanded "you want me to apologize to the nigga who is disrespectful and is trying to steal my girl? , if anything HE should be the one apologizing" Spencer said while looking at his mom "SPENCER APOLOGIZE " grace yelled with Spencer looking at Asher disgusted not saying anything before Olivia went up to grace saying

"miss.James I don't think Spencer should be apologizing, if Asher would have stayed in his place and away from me none of this would have happened " Olivia said with grace slowly nodding her head "Olivia drive with Spencer" grace said while heading out the door with Spencer and Olivia following behind her with Asher crying while closing the door

Spencer and Olivia got in the car not saying A word to each other, two minutes went by and Spencer decided to break the silence "thanks for having my back" Spencer said while reaching for liv's hand with Olivia blushing "Spencer , I'll always have your back " Olivia said with him smiling

"baby, did you see that man's face tho?, he looked like he was one step to his gravestone" Olivia said before laughing "yes baby I saw im the one who did that" Spencer said chucking softly

Olivia and Spencer arrived at the bakers house and were sitting in the car "thanks for driving me home " Olivia said "of course baby" Spencer said with liv kissing his cheek and getting out of the car before Spencer stopped her "baby wait" he said holding her arm with Olivia looking at him "wassup?" She said while getting back in the passenger seat "thank you" Spencer said "for what baby?" Olivia said while smiling "for everything , putting up with my bs , staying loyal to me , being for me when I need you the most , and much more , I don't know what id do without you " Spencer said with tears going down Olivia face with Spencer wiping them "of course baby , thank you for everything you do for me too" she said softly before kissing him passionately and then pulling away

"good night my love " Olivia said getting out the car "good night baby " Spencer said watching her get in her house and then driving home

This chapter is kind of all over the place but , Asher got his ass beat HOPEFULLY he learned his lesson🤭. But Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter ❤️

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