so into you

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Olivia was sleeping peaceful when she heard a knock at her door "I'm not getting up so whoever it is can come in" liv said while being half asleep with Simone opening the door "good morning Olivia " Simone said while smiling "hey Simone , what are you doing here" she said while sitting up and rubbing her eyes , " Spencer wanted me to send you a message " Simone said "why can't he come to me and tell me instead " Olivia asked "girl don't worry about it, just know he's planning something , but anyways he wanted me to tell you to be ready by 1:00 and have me drive you to your location " Simone said "wait what I'm confuse-" Olivia was saying before she got cut off

"girl just be ready by 1:00 and let me know when your ready so I can drop you off" Simone said with Olivia laughing "ugh okay Simone "she said "alright , I'll be downstairs with Jordan " Simone said with Olivia nodding before walking out

"So where are you taking my sister?" Jordan said on the phone with Spencer "somewhere fun " Spencer replied with Jordan laughing . Simone was upstairs in Olivia's room talking and laughing with her

"so have you heard from Layla " Simone said with Olivia rolling her eyes "no not ever since I beated her ass" Olivia replied "wait what" Simone said in shocked , "it's true , last week it happened " liv said "and you didn't tell me " Simone said rolling her eyes playfully " oh hush" Olivia said hitting her arm playfully while they both continued to laugh "anyways I think it's time for you to get ready it's 11:40 and I know it takes you forever to get ready" Simone said "oh shit, you just reminded me " Olivia said with Simone laughing and heading out of her room closing her door

liv wore her graphic 2pac shirt with some black ripped jeans and her white air forces in a high ponytail, she put on her eyelashes and lip gloss and was about to open her door  when she got a text message from Spencer

My world : can't wait to see you today

Olivia : me too baby i just finished getting ready

My world : okayy , love you see you in an hour

Olivia : *hearted message "

She opened the door and was walking down the stairs with Simone saying "you look so good liv I love your outfit " "thank you Simone " liv said going up to her giving her a hug "anyways are you ready to go " Simone asked "yes I'm ready " Olivia replied "alright then , let me say goodbye to Jordan real quick " Simone said walking up the stairs "okay tell him I said bye too" liv yelled so that Simone could hear her " I got you" Simone yelled back . Finally Simone came down the stairs and her and Olivia were heading to the car once they got in the buckled themselves in and Simone started the car and started drying . " so your really not going to tell me where im going " liv said "that's for me to know and you to find out " Simone said before chuckling softly

They finally pulled up to the location "here we are" Simone said while parking "ahh a carnival" liv said in excitement "yes girl , call Spencer and tell him we're here" Simone said "okay " liv said before calling Spencer and telling him that's she's here

Spencer and Olivia spotted each other with Olivia running up to him jumping in his arms with Spencer spinning her around "I missed you so much" Olivia said with Spencer saying "I missed you more , baby"

"aww y'all are so cute " Simone said while smiling "thanks Simone , and thank you for dropping Olivia off safely" Spencer said "of course , I'm going to leave I hope you guys enjoy your time together " Simone said while hugging them both with Olivia saying "bye Simone drive safe " "girl I will" Simone said before walking to her car and driving off

Spencer and Olivia were going on all of the rides "baby I want to go on that one again" Olivia whined "we went on it twice you sure you ready for round three? " Spencer asked "yes" Olivia said in excitement "fine , but that's the last ride we're going on , I'm hungry as hell " Spencer said "yayy " Olivia said while kissing his cheek multiple times , they went on the ride and once they were finished they were walking around and looking for something to eat

"it looks like the y just have hamburgers and hot dogs here" Olivia said "yup " Spencer sighed while holding Olivia's hand and walking up to the cashier to place their order . once they finished ordering they found somewhere to sit and ate their food "baby thank you so much for taking me here , I'm having so much fun here with you " Olivia said while making Spencer smile and saying "of course baby I'm glad your enjoying your time here with me" Spencer said before kissing her softly

few hours went by and spelivia was playing a whole bunch of games "look what I got you baby" Spencer said pulling out a big white teddy bear with Olivia smiling hard "oh my gosh I always wanted one of these especially the big ones , thank you so much baby" Olivia said kissing Spencer's cheek "it's the least I can do baby , and I'm happy you love it" Spencer replied making Olivia blush

30 minutes went by and it was getting late , Spencer and Olivia were heading to the car Spencer opened the door for her with Olivia blushing, once they got in Spencer started the car and noticed Olivia being quiet and looking out the window , Spencer pulled over "what's on your mind baby" Spencer asked with Olivia taking a deep breath before saying "I'm just so happy to have you in my life , you make me feel so alive and so loved " Olivia said tearing up with Spencer starting to tear up with her while grabbing her hand kissing it multiple times saying

"Olivia I feel the exact same way , you are my future, my happiness , my queen, and my soulmate" Spencer said with Olivia blushing making her way over to him kissing him softly

this chapter was kind of all over the place but I hope you guys enjoyed❤️ one more chapter coming today too !

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