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A month went by and spelivia & jimone were in class "so today , you guys will be working on a project in groups of three , I already have who you guys are working with planned out" miss.Roger said with the class nodding "okay Olivia , Simone and Jasmine you three will sit in the front and work on your project together " miss.Roger said with Olivia's and simone's mouth dropping with Jasmine smirking

"come again?" Simone said "I said that you, Olivia and Jasmine will be working together, is there a problem?" Miss.Roger said with Simone rolling her eyes "yes actually there is" Olivia mumbled "what what that Olivia ?" Miss.Roger said "nothing" Olivia said coldly with miss.Roger nodding "okay then , next Jordan, Spencer and Andre , you three will be working in the back"miss.Roger said with Jordan's mouth dropping

"oh hell no" Spencer said with the teacher narrowing her eyebrows "what is the problem?" Miss.Roger said "Andre is the problem I don't fuck with his ass" Spencer said " well you three are going to have to get it together if you want to pass my class" miss.Roger said with Jordan and Spencer rolling their eyes "this some bullshit" Spencer mumbled with Andre smirking

spelivia and jimone were now on their break "can you believe this?" Olivia said shaking her head " Miss Roger must've lost her damn mind" Simone said "right , I'm really not trying to work with Andre's bitch ass" Spencer said "yea me neither" Jordan said "out of all people me and Simone have to work with fucking Jasmine " Olivia said rolling her eyes "yeah and-" before Simone could finish her sentence Jasmine walked up to them

"hey besties" Jasmine said while smiling "good fucking bye" Olivia said with Jasmine chuckling softly "oh so it's like that ?" Jasmine said "oh it's always been like that" Olivia replied "well-" Jasmine said before Simone cut her off "listen here Jasmine if you don't get you and your four fingers head ass out of our faces I will be more than happy to cut your whole hand off" Simone said coldly with Olivia , Spencer and Jordan laughing "it's not funny" Jasmine said "oh yes it is" Olivia said while laughing with Jasmine storming away

Spelivia and jimone were at their dorm chilling "y'all doing that project?" Jordan asked "hell no" Olivia and Spencer said at the same time with Jordan and Simone chuckling

" me and Simone should get going" Jordan said "already?" Olivia whined "yes girl" Simone said hugging Olivia with Jordan saying his good bye to Spencer "see you guys later" Jordan said before walking out with Simone

Two hours went by and Spencer and Olivia were at a restaurant "thanks for taking me here babe" Olivia said with Spencer reaching for her hand before kissing it with Olivia blushing "of course baby" Spencer replied . Olivia was on her phone waiting for her and Spencer's food when she got a call from Jasmine " why the hell is this girl calling me?" Olivia mumbled "who's calling you" Spencer asked with Olivia showing him her phone with Spencer taking it before turning it off "baby tonight is a me and you night " Spencer chuckled softly "I wanted to know what that bitch had to say tho" Olivia said with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully "baby let's worry about that later , like I said tonight is a me and you night"'Spencer said with Olivia smiling "your right " Olivia said " I know" Spencer replied with Olivia chuckling softly

They finished eating their food and were in the car listening to music when hey there by dej loaf started playing with Spencer and Olivia chuckling softly knowing that this is their go to song when their in the mood for sex "I still taste you on my lips yeah I do , last night we made love until the sun came" Spencer sang while putting his hand on liv's thigh "i know it's hard when I leave , I'm not with you , but when I'm gone hold it down you're my love thing" Olivia sang back with Spencer bitting bottom his lip before pulling over into a empty parking space facing Olivia gazing into her eyes

"and you be doin it that one , that two , that four thing , let's slow it down but I'll hit you with that foreplay" Spencer sang while having his hand on livs neck with her bitting her bottom lip "hop on top I start to ride it that's that horsepla-" before Olivia could finish singing Spencer kissed her passionately with her kissing him back and getting on top of Spencer with him kissing her neck before sucking on it causing Olivia to let out a soft moan

Spencer made his way back up to her lips and kissed her with all the passion he had before Olivia pulled away to turn up the music before taking her top off with Spencer doing the same and Olivia tugging on Spencer's jeans with him taking them off before leaning his seat back

Olivia was on top of Spencer riding him before she leaned down whispering in his ear "I love you I love you , woah I feel it in my stomach " Olivia sang seductively with Spencer getting even more turned on before flipping them over kissing Olivia all the way down to her pussy before he started to go crazy "bab-y" she moaned with Spencer slipping in two fingers , fingering her

Some time went by and Olivia reached her climax with Spencer licking her clean before kissing her body all the way back up to her lips "lay down" Olivia said still kissing him with Spencer doing as she asked before Olivia started sucking his dick 

"damn liv" Spencer grunted while bitting his bottom lip with Olivia going faster to the point where Spencer couldn't even speak

Some time went by and Spencer reached his climax in her mouth with Olivia swallowing it all before wiping her mouth with him grabbing her neck kissing her passionately

Spelivia finished their thing and were now heading home "that was fun" liv said " yes it was" Spencer said while smirking "i love you" Spencer said with Olivia smiling "I love you too " Olivia replied

They ain't doing that project Chile , but aww my babys are so cute , anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of you have any requests please comment <3

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