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Spencer and Olivia were sleeping peacefully when Olivia's alarm went on off with liv quickly waking Spencer up "it's time for us to get ready baby" Olivia said in excitement "five more minutes " Spencer said still sleepy with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully " no baby wake up right now" Olivia said with Spencer slowly waking up " good morning beautiful, are you excited?" Spencer said with a smile on his face and Olivia blushing "good morning handsome and of course I'm excited I could barely sleep last night" Olivia said with Spencer kissing her cheek "let's her ready" Spencer said with Olivia nodding before hopping out of bed

Olivia and Spencer got ready , grabbed their suitcase, and headed to their car , going to pick Jordan and Simone up Olivia had a big smile on her face the whole time with Spencer noticing "your so cute" Spencer said with Olivia smiling even more "thanks baby " Olivia replied before playing music

" what's up bitchesss" Simone said getting in their car "bitches?" Spencer said "yes you guys are my bitchesss" Simone said with everyone laughing before Spencer drove them to the airport

they were now waiting for their flight " y'all excited?" Jordan asked "yes" they all said at the same time " yeah me too an-" before Jordan could finish his sentence their flight was getting called "that's us" Olivia said getting up with Jordan , Simone and Spencer doing the same , walking to their plane

they were now on the plane with jimone sitting across from them . Olivia was on her phone while Spencer was reading a book "what are you reading baby?" Olivia asked "a cooking book" Spencer said while smiling with Olivia chuckling softly "do remember the last time we were on a plane?" Olivia said nudging Spencer "yes..I remember " Spencer said chuckling softly remembering him and Olivia having sex on a plane 4 years ago "well...let's do it again" Olivia said whispering in Spencer's ear "I would but your going to be loud" Spencer said with Olivia laughing " no I won't .. I promise " Olivia said "I'll think about it" Spencer said chuckling softly

"I need to go the bathroom, I'll be right back " Olivia said with Spencer nodding and liv going to the bathroom

Olivia wanted to tease Spencer . She took her leggings off leaving her in her panties and then she took her phone out taking a picture and sent it to Spencer.

My world❤️: waiting for you👅

Spencer got the message and saw her ass hanging out and got turned on , he quickly went to the bathroom and opened it seeing liv in just her panties and bra "I was waiting for you to come" Olivia said before kissing on his neck with Spencer getting a boner "baby take these off" Spencer said referring to her panties "why?" Olivia asked "what do you mean why?" Spencer said "why should I take them off?" Olivia said "baby stop playing with me and take them off " Spencer begged with Olivia twerking on him teasing Spencer

"I'm serious baby " he said " about you take these off" Olivia said referring to his pants with Spencer wasting no time before he took off his pants and briefs with Olivia trying her best not to laugh before getting on her knees about to put his dick in her mouth when she stopped

"actually...I don't feel like it" Olivia said getting off of her knees "baby pleaseee" Spencer begged "nope" she said before putting her clothes back on "don't leave me like this" Spencer said with Olivia laughing before walking out of the bathroom back to her seat with Spencer following her shortly after

spelivia and jimone were now off the plan and at a restaurant eating "what are you two doing after this?" Simone asked referring to Spencer and Olivia " I'm taking Olivia to this really nice beach , what about you guys?" Spencer asked "I'm taking Simone to The movies and then I have a surprise for her" Jordan said before kissing Simone's cheek with her blushing "aww" Olivia said smiling at them

Olivia and Spencer were at their hotel getting ready to go to the beach Olivia was wearing a royal blue off the shoulder bikini with Spencer wearing white swim trunks "baby you ready?" Spencer asked before putting the ring in his small bag "almost , I'm just looking for my cover up" Olivia said "okay " Spencer replied

" okay , I'm ready" Olivia said with Spencer smiling " your so beautiful " Spencer said before holding the door opened for her "thanks baby" Olivia said "your welcome my queen " Spencer said with Olivia blushing

they arrived at the beach and got out the car "it's so beautiful here" Olivia said looking at the water and the sunset "yes it is but not as beautiful as you" Spencer said with Olivia kissing his cheek before taking her cover off and running up the water putting her feet in with Spencer chuckling softly before following her

"Woah this is so cold" Spencer said before immediately hopping out " no it's not " Olivia said "baby yes it is, I don't know how your even in there " Spencer said before sitting down on the sand with Olivia rolling her eyes "let's get something to drink" Olivia said "okay " Spencer said before getting up and holding Olivia's hand walking to the bar

"two strawberry lemonades please" Spencer said with the waitress nodding "so , how she you enjoying your time here? " Spencer asked with Olivia smiling " I love it so much baby, it's so peaceful and fun , thank you for taking me here " Olivia said with Spencer kissing her softly "no need to thank me baby" Spencer said with Olivia blushing, before the waitress brought out their drinks

After they finished drinking they were sitting on the sand talking and enjoying the view "baby I wanna go back in the water" Olivia said "okay babe , you go in and I'll be right back I have to get something from the car" Spencer said with Olivia nodding before getting up and walking to the water putting her feet in it while Spencer went to the car getting the ring

Spencer was walking up to Olivia with her not hearing or noticing him before Spencer got on one knee pulling out the ring  "baby" Spencer said with Olivia turning around covering her mouth with tears welling up in her eyes

To be continued

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