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(2 days until the wedding)Olivia and Spencer were in the kitchen cooking when there was a knock at their door " I got it baby " Olivia said with Spencer nodding and Olivia opening the door "hello are you Olivia baker?" The lady asked "um yes who are you?" Olivia asked "I'm here to help you make your wedding perfect" the lady said with Olivia smiling "come on in" Olivia said with the lady smiling before walking in with Spencer seeing her "babe who is this?" Spencer asked "our wedding planner" Olivia said while smiling "you must be Spencer " the lady said having her hand out with Spencer shaking it "that's right and you are?" Spencer asked "I'm Cassie also known as the woman who is going to make your guys wedding the best " Cassie said with Olivia and Spencer smiling

"Okay so you two already have your outfits , your food/deserts, and theme?" Cassie asked "yes" Olivia said "okay so basically all i need to do is buy the stuff for the theme " Cassie said "correct" Spencer replied "okay let me get to my team to do it .. oh and it was so nice seeing you guys" Cassie said getting up before shaking their hands " nice seeing you too" Olivia replied with Cassie smiling before walking out

"Two more daysss" Spencer said behind liv wrapping his arms around her waist rocking her back in forth "I can't wait" Olivia said while smiling "me too baby " Spencer said before he got a text from Jordan

Bro : I have the perfect song choice for you and Olivia's wedding , come over to my place !!

Me : perfect??👀

Bro : yes Spencer , now come over to my place right now !

Me : okay okay

"Who's that?" Olivia asked "its you brother he said he has the perfect song choice for our wedding " Spencer said with Olivia turning around facing him "ouuuu" Olivia said wrapping her arms around his neck "I know right , he wants me to meet him at his place " Spencer said "ugh that's means you have to leaveeee" Olivia whined "yes baby , but I'll be back later " Spencer said " mhm" Olivia said looking down before Spencer kissed her softly before pulling away "I love you so much " Spencer said with Olivia blushing " I love you too baby " Olivia replied with Spencer smiling before putting on his shoes and heading to Jordan's place

" finally your here" Jordan joked with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully "what's the so called "perfect" song you have for me and liv?" Spencer said with Jordan chuckling softly before pulling out his phone playing "smash into you" by Beyoncé with Spencer's heart melting

Spencer pov:
Man this is one of liv's favorite songs by Beyoncé the words , the beat , the this really is a perfect song for our wedding

"Wow" Spencer said when the song finished with Jordan smiling "see I told you it's a perfect song" Jordan said Spencer rolling his eyes playfully "yes you did...thanks man" Spencer replied "of course , anyways how you feeling about the wedding being in two days?" Jordan asked "I'm really excited and nervous" Spencer said honestly "why are you nervous?" Jordan asked "I don't know..what if liv changes her mind and runs away an-" Spencer said before Jordan cut him off "are you serious? "liv changes her mind" " Jordan asked with Spencer looking down "Spencer my sister is head over heels in love with you there is no way in hell that she would change her mind or run away" Jordan said with Spencer slowly nodding "you right man..I don't know what I was thinking" Spencer said with Jordan chuckling softly

Olivia was getting in nails and feet done with Simone "aww that color is cute on you liv" Simone said with Olivia smiling " thanks girl" Olivia said " of course " Simone replied while smiling

Spencer was at the hotel when liv walked in "hey baby , how was your evening with Simone?" Spencer asked with Olivia smiling " it was great , how was your evening with Jordan?" Olivia asked with Spencer looking down smiling thinking about the song " it was really good babe , your brother found the perfect song for us " Spencer said "ughh can you tell me...I can't waittt" Olivia whined dragging the t with Spencer chuckling softly " nope you will find out in two days" Spencer said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully

To be continued

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