One day

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(One day until wedding) Spencer was with Jordan while Olivia was with Simone preparing for the wedding "one more day liv .. how do you feel ?" Simone asked with Olivia smiling hard " I'm really excited " Olivia said with Simone smiling "aww , I'm so happy for you and Spencer, you two are so cute " Simone said with Olivia smiling " thanks sis" Olivia said before hugging Simone " of course liv I love you both very much" Simone said while hugging her "we love you too" Olivia replied

meanwhile Spencer was with Jordan, they picked up the food and deserts and were now at Jordan's hotel "one more day until your married do you feel" Jordan asked with Spencer looking down smiling " I feel really blessed and excited " Spencer replied with Jordan smiling " I'm so happy for you and liv" Jordan said "thank man we really appreciate it" Spencer said with Jordan having his arms out for a hug with Spencer shaking his head "cmon Spence" Jordan said with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully before hugging Jordan

Olivia was going to stay at Simone's place for the night so she decided to pack her, dress , makeup and accessories before she heard a knock on her door "come in" Olivia said with Spencer walking in "hey baby where are you going?" Spencer asked "I'm staying at Simone's place for the night" Olivia said "why?" Spencer asked with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully "because I don't want you to see my wedding dress or makeup until the wedding" Olivia replied "ohh that makes sense " Spencer said with Olivia chuckling softly continuing to pack her bags

Olivia finished packing and went to the living room to say goodbye to Spencer "I'm about to leave baby" Olivia said "no don't leaveeee" Spencer said hugging Olivia tightly with her chuckling softly "baby I have to, we will see each other tomorrow " Olivia said with Spencer still hugging her before slowly pulling away starting deeply into her eyes

"I love you soon to be wife" Spencer said with Olivia blushing " I love you too , soon to be husband " Olivia replied with Spencer smiling before kissing her slowly and passionately before Olivia slowly pulled away "goodbye my love" Olivia said "bye baby" Spencer said with Olivia blushing before getting her bags and heading to her car

This is a short and kinda rushed chapter , but the next one will be longer and better , anywaysss  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter🤍🤍

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