Payback's a bitch

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Olivia just got released from the hospital Spencer was walking her to his car and opened the door for her to get in . "thank you baby " liv said "no need to thank me , how are you feeling" Spencer said concern "I feel okay just tired" liv said "okay want me to lay with you or-" Spencer said before he got cut off "no" liv said with Spencer sighing  and driving to her house

they finally arrived at the bakers house and they went up to the door and knocked with Laura opening the door " Olivia oh my gosh I missed you so much , I'm so sorry I couldn't pick you up , I was working" Laura said while hugging Olivia with Spencer standing there feeling awkward "mhm it's okay " liv said with Laura smiling and saying "oh , sorry Spencer I didn't notice you , please come in" Laura said moving to the side so they can come inside with Olivia going straight to her room with Spencer being confused

"thank you so much for bringing her home Spencer " Laura said "of course " he said

"I wonder why she went to her room so fast  " Laura said worried "I'll go check on her miss baker , I'm sure she's fine " Spencer said walking up the stairs and opening Olivia's door

"Olivia" Spencer said "Olivia where are you" he said as he looked around her room trying and find her but he found nothing only a note by her Window saying "hey baby , your probably reading this and wondering where the hell im at, well I'm about to handle Layla's ass since she wants to drug me im going to teach that bitch a lesson - Olivia " "oh my gosh"Spencer said before going downstairs telling Laura everything

"so should we let her do what she needs to do or.." Laura asked "I mean yeah Olivia won't do anything too stupid , but I'm going to give her until 4:00 and If she doesn't come home by then , then we will go get her ourselves " Spencer said "I'm really worried Spencer, like what if she gets hurt again " Laura said tearing up "it's okay , liv will be okay I promise " Spencer said hugging Laura trying to calm her down

Meanwhile liv was pulling up to Layla's house she unbuckled her self and got out of the car . She knocked on Layla's door but there was no answer she looked around and noticed that Layla's car was gone and her door was unlocked she opened the door and went to hide in a closet five minutes went by and Layla came inside her house another 5 minutes went by and liv came out of the closet "alright get your ass up " liv said while putting her brass knuckles on with Layla being shocked and scared  "Olivia please don't , I didn't mean to drug you , you know I love and care for you so much and would never hurt y-" Layla begged before she got cut off  "I SAID GET YOUR ASS UP" liv said causing Layla to jump and doing as she said  . "Stand straight with your arms up in the air" liv demanded with Layla hesitating but doing as she said , liv started balling her fist up and punched Layla's stomach six times very hard with Layla crying

"now put your arms down you look stupid " liv demanded with Layla doing so and wiping her tears "now the next time you want to drug me , hurt me , or try messing around with my man  , remember what happened today , because the next time I promise you , that someone will be planning your funeral , do you hear me?"Liv said with Layla not being able to talk "I SAID DO YOU HEAR ME" liv yelled "yes I hear you " Layla stuttered "yeah I hope you did " liv said as she walked out the door giving Layla another punch in her nose with Layla crying

meanwhile Laura and Spencer were waiting for liv to come home it was 3:59 and as soon as it hit 4:00" liv walked in the house with Laura running up to her "oh my gosh liv are you okay ? Are you hurt ? Can I get you anything?" Laura said "no mom I'm good " liv said "okay honey , Spencer is in your room by the way " Laura said "okay mom" Olivia said while walking up the stairs and going to her room

"it's about time you showed up " Spencer said while sitting on her bed causing liv to chuckle "sorry baby , I had to do what I had to do" Olivia said while walking over to her bed  "oh shit how did it go?" Spencer asked "great " liv said while smiling "more than one world bae" Spencer said " i taught that girl a lesson and warned her to never fuck with me or you again that's all imma say " liv said with Spencer staring at her not  blinking  with liv being confused "what" she said with an attitude "you are so badass " Spencer said with him chuckling "I know " liv said smirking

Chile liv was not playing💀, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter if you have any requests please comment <3

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