The talk

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few weeks went by and Rochelle was getting therapy "so are you in love with her?" the therapist asked with Rochelle's eyes widen "yes .." Rochelle mumbled "but she has a boyfriend" the therapist said "I know I know , I don't know how imma tell her " Rochelle said "well that's why I'm here , I want you to meet up with her and tell her how you feel about her and just leave town and never come back " the therapist said with Rochelle eyebrows narrowing "how can I get her to meet up with me after I tried to drown her" Rochelle asked "you'll figure it out" the therapist said while smiling with Rochelle taking a deep sigh before nodding

Meanwhile Spencer and Olivia were watching movies and cuddling when Olivia got a text from an unknown number

Unknown # : I think you know who this is , and I hope I'm not bothering you right now , I was wondering if we could meet up at rescue smoothies ?

me : ...

Unknown # : liv please , I promise I'll leave you alone after

Me : fine..

"Who you texting?" Spencer asked with Olivia showing him her phone with Spencer looking at the messages before looking at her "you sure you ready to see her?" Spencer asked " yea, just so she could leave me alone " Olivia said with Spencer nodding

Rochelle was sitting down waiting for Olivia with Olivia getting out of her car walking towards her "hey " Olivia said "hello" Rochelle said giving Olivia a half smile

"So first things first I want to apologize , about what happened a few weeks ago , I know we both did things we regretted, well at least I did , but I just want to tell you the truth of why I've been acting weird and stuff" Rochelle said with Olivia slowly nodding with Rochelle taking a deep sigh "the truth is that.." Rochelle said before taking a pause "I'm in love with you" Rochelle said with Olivia freezing "look I know you don't feel the same way , but I just had to get it off my chest" Rochelle said with Olivia not saying anything "say something liv" Rochelle said "what am I supposed to say?" Olivia said "anything" Rochelle said " I have a boyfriend Rochelle , me and you will never happen " Olivia said before picking her purse up " I'm leaving town forever Olivia" Rochelle said with Olivia looking at her "good" Olivia said before getting up and walking to her car

Olivia was in the car and called Spencer and told him everything that happen "so she's in love with you and she's leaving town ?" Spencer asked "yes " Olivia said "well that's interesting " Spencer mumbled "baby you know I'd never leave you for anyone right , especially Rochelle " Olivia said "I know liv , just come to my house" Spencer said "okay see you soon" Olivia said before hanging up

Olivia was still driving when she got a text from Rochelle

Rochelle : You'll always be a part of me I'm part of you indefinitely Girl don't you know you can't escape me Ooh darling cause you'll always be my baby And we'll linger on Time can't erase a feeling this strong No way you're never gonna shake me Ooh darlin' cause you'll always be my baby

Me : your doing the most..

Rochelle : I love you liv , I've always loved you 💖🥰🥺👀👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Me : *read*

Olivia arrived at Spencer's house she went up to the door and knocked on it with Dillon Answering "hey Olivia" Dillon said smirking at Olivia " hey d" Olivia said while smiling before Dillon moved to the side so she could walk in "is Spencer in his room?" Olivia asked with Dillon nodding and Olivia sliding Spencer's door open

"Hey my love" Olivia said while smiling and Spencer looking up at her "hey babe" Spencer said with Olivia sitting his bed "i Missed you" Olivia said before leaning in kissing Spencer passionately before Spencer slowly pulled away with there foreheads resting on each other "I miss you too" Spencer said  " so , now that Rochelle is gone, we can finally go back to being happy" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly "yup" Spencer said

I don't like how this chapter turned out , but Rochelle is finally gone😛, lmaoo anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter if you have any requests please comment 🤍

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