Wedding day

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Olivia was sleeping peacefully when Simone was trying to wake her up "mmm.. five more hours" Olivia moaned "girl no , today's the day !!" Simone said still trying to wake her up with Olivia having a smile on her face before waking up

"AHH IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY?" Olivia said in excitement " yes girl now get ready so we can meet up with Kia so she can do your hair while I do your makeup " Simone said with Olivia smiling "hold up let me call my  soon to be husband " Olivia said getting her phone out with Simone chuckling softly "okay don't take too long " Simone said with Olivia rolling her eyes playfully before calling Spencer

Spencer was washing his face when his phone started ringing he picked it up and looked at the Contact before smiling and answering it "good morning beautiful" Spencer said while smiling "good morning babyyy" Olivia said dragging the y "you excited for today?" Spencer asked "yes of course" Olivia replied "yeah me too baby we sh-" before Spencer could finish his sentence Simone cut him off "COME ON LIV WE GOT TO GO" Simone yelled "OKAY HOLD UP" Olivia yelled back before rolling her eyes playfully "damn she is so loud" Spencer said before chuckling softly " yes she is , but I got to go , I'll see you in a few hours baby " Olivia said "bye baby I love you" Spencer said " I love you t-" before Olivia could finish her sentence Simone cut her off "ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT?" Simone yelled "YES GIRL HOLD UP" Olivia yelled back with Spencer chuckling softly " see you later baby" Spencer said "see you later my love" Olivia said before hanging up , getting dressed and leaving with Simone

(2 hours later) Simone and Kia finished doing liv's hair and makeup "girl you look so good" Kia said with Olivia smiling "so does that mean I can turn around and see how I look in the mirror?" Olivia asked "nope ... just a few more touches " Simone said before applying some more makeup on liv while Kia fixed liv's hair a little bit "and look perfect liv" Simone said with Kia agreeing before Turning liv's chair around so she could see how she look " guys did so good , I love it" Olivia said while admiring her self " thanks girl , we are glad you love it" Kia said with Olivia smiling before getting up and hugging them both " I love you guys so much " Olivia said "we love you more girl" Simone replied while smiling

Spencer was with Darnell and Chris getting ready "you look good Spence" Darnell said " thanks man" Spencer replied before smiling "hold up your missing something" Jordan said before pulling out Spencer's Rolex that Olivia bought him a few years back "There we go " Jordan said while putting the watch on Spencer "I haven't worn this in forever , thanks j " Spencer said "your welcome " Jordan said "now what do we do? I mean the wedding is in four hours and we are practically done getting ready " Darnell said "I guess we just chill for now , and then at 12:30 we can leave " Spencer said with Darnell and Jordan Agreeing before sitting down on the couch playing video games

"Simone can you help me zip this up?" Olivia said while whining referring to her Dress with Simone chuckling softly before going up to her zipping her dress up "thanks girl" Olivia said " of course" Simone said before Olivia walked over to a mirror with Kia and Simone following her

"wow" Kia said with her voice cracking with Simone having tears welling up in her eyes before Olivia turned around facing them "what's wrong? Are you guys okay?" Olivia asked concerned for her friends with them chuckling softly before wiping their tears " we are fine liv we are happy for you" Kia said with tears welling up in liv's eyes "girl don't cry your going to ruin your makeup " Simone said wiping liv's tears with Olivia chuckling softly

Spencer , Darnell , and Jordan were now on their way to the wedding with Jordan driving "you ready Spence?" Darnell asked "ready as I'll ever be...I'm finally about to marry the girl of my dreams " Spencer said with a smile on his face with Darnell giving him a half smile "happy for y'all" Darnell said "thanks d" Spencer said

Spencer and Olivia's family and friends started arriving to the wedding and found a seat "Im so happy for them" Laura said " me too , they have came a such a long way" Billy said with a smile on his face .

"can't believe Spencer is marrying my wife " Dillon said with grace chuckling softly "oh hush , you knew this was going to happen sooner or later " grace said " yeah you right " Dillon said "yeah I know" grace said rolling her eyes playfully before kissing her son's head

Olivia's bridesmaids were out in the front while Olivia and Simone were in the back "you ready?" Simone asked "yes..I'm so ready to marry the man of my dreams" Olivia replied with Simone smiling before kissing her cheek "okay , I'm going to go up to the front , your husband is waiting for you" Simone said with Olivia smiling before nodding with Simone heading out

Olivia was looking at herself in the mirror and took a few deep breath's " you got this liv , it's finally happening, your happy ending is coming, just go out there and marry your soulmate " Olivia said in her head

Olivia walked out and heard "smash into you" playing by Beyoncé before smiling with Spencer looking at his soon to be wife with tears welling up in his eyes "wow" Spencer said softly .

"You look beautiful baby girl" billy said before kissing his daughters cheek "thank you dad" Olivia said softly before taking her dad's hand & walking down the aisle with everyone watching her , taking pictures and videos. "she is so gorgeous" Kia said with tears welling up in her eyes " yes she is" Simone said with her voice cracking and tears going down her face .

Olivia tried not to cry but she failed miserably and had tears going down her face ruining her makeup a bit "my baby is so handsome " Olivia said in her head before her dad gave her away to Spencer .

spelivia was now facing each other and had tears going down their face's starting deeply into each other's eyes , the officiant was talking until he said it was time for Spencer to say his vows first "Olivia I don't even know where to and you go way back, your my day one my-" Spencer said before pausing to wipe his tears with Olivia's heart melting "take your time baby"'Olivia said softly with Spencer taking a deep sigh "baby your my day one , the woman who makes me happy , my forever , and my soulmate, Olivia I promise from the bottom of my heart to choose you as my wife , every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you. I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come" Spencer said with Olivia wiping her tears before taking out her note with her vows on it before reading it "Spencer.. when I first met you I've felt so safe and so lov-" Olivia said before pausing "I'm sorry" Olivia said
"take your time baby" Spencer said wiping her tears with Olivia taking a deep sigh "I truly believe you saved me... baby I'm madly in love with you,not only do I promise that my love for you will grow every day...but I promise to be your friend and partner every step of the way. I will be there for you, day or night, in richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I trust, appreciate, cherish, and respect you. I promise to share with you my hopes and dreams as we build our lives together. You, my love, are my everything....forever and always " Olivia said with tears going down her face with Spencer heart melting

"Spencer, do you take Olivia baker to be your beloved wife to love and hold for the rest of your life?" The officiant asked "I do" Spencer said with his voice cracking "Olivia, do you take Spencer James to be your beloved husband to love and hold for the rest of your life?" The officiant asked "I do!" Olivia Said "then I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" the officiant said with spelivia wasting no time before kissing each other passionately

To be continued

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