Fuck off

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Olivia rushed over to them with Jasmine not noticing her but Spencer did , Olivia grabbed jasmines hair roughly"bitch get off of me" Jasmine screamed with Olivia hitting jasmines head hard against the wall seven good times before stopping with Jasmine having a big ass knot on her bed bleeding "now the next time you want to fuck with me or my boyfriend, remember this night" Olivia said still holding on to jasmines hair " do you understand me" Olivia said "ye-s" jasmine stuttered with Olivia chuckling softly before letting go of her hair and punching Jasmine one last time with her falling to the ground and Olivia looking at Spencer with Spencer's mouth dropping "what?" Olivia said confused " I ain't know you could get down like that bae" Spencer said "oh hush , you know how I get down I did it to Layla and Rochelle" Olivia said with Spencer chuckling softly "you right about that , let's get out of here " Spencer said with Olivia nodding

Spencer and Olivia were in the shower " did she hurt you?" Olivia asked while washing her body " no but she kept kissing on me" Spencer said with Olivia taking a deep sigh "when we get out of this shower brush your teeth real good" Olivia said "baby I didn't kiss back I swear" Spencer said " that's not the point , she was putting her lips on you when I should be the one doing that " Olivia said with Spencer grabbing her hands "I'm sorry baby" Spencer said frowning with Olivia nodding before getting out the shower

Spencer got out of the shower and got in bed with Olivia . Spencer lifted up the covers and noticed Olivia had no clothes on with him chuckling softly shaking his head before going down on her with Olivia slowly waking up "baby no , not tonight" Olivia moaned with Spencer ignoring her doing his thing

It didn't take long for Olivia to reach her climax with Spencer licking her clean going back up with Olivia biting her lip before getting on top of Spencer " I wanna rideeee" Olivia said with her eyes closed grinding on Spencer "baby my clothes are still on" Spencer chuckled "yours are but mines aren't " Olivia said "baby just go to sleep Spencer said before laying Olivia down on his chest " but I want to rid-" Olivia said before yawning and quickly falling asleep with Spencer rolling his eyes playfully before falling asleep

it was the next morning and Olivia woke up not seeing Spencer but a note she opened in and read it

Had to go to practice baby, I'll see you later , I love you so much

Olivia sighed before getting out of her bed putting her clothes on . Olivia was with Simone outside walking when Andre walked up to them "nice ass liv" Andre says before running off with Olivia rolling her eyes "Aint he with Jasmine?" Simone asked "girl I don't even know , all I know is that they are one toxic cheating ass couple " Olivia said with Simone chuckling softly

Spencer was walking out of the Locker room when he saw Jasmine walking up to him with Spencer seeing the knot that liv left her "hey Spencer " Jasmine said "Jasmine, can you knot" Spencer joked with Jasmine giving him a straight face "anyways i-" Jasmine said before Spencer cut her off "my God, your voice is annoying " Spencer said before walking off with Jasmine rolling her eyes and Andre walking out "why you talking to that man who took my position ?" Andre said "baby I wasn't talking to him , he approached me" Jasmine lied "oh really?" Andre asked " yes he said how he wants to fuck me and take me away from you " Jasmine said before starting to fake cry with Andre getting mad and going after Spencer

Spencer noticed Andre following him so he turned around " the fuck are you following me for?" Spencer said taking out his air pod "why the hell are you talking to my bitch?" Andre said with Spencer laughing with Andre not finding what's funny "your kidding right ?" Spencer said with Andre not saying anything "man get your female, it's kinda sad how you believe anything she says" Spencer said with Andre being confused "what do you mean?" Andre asked "that girl been all up on me for a whole month she kissed and tried to seduce me while I have a girlfriend " Spencer said with Andre deep thinking before Spencer put his AirPod back in before walking away

Spencer and Olivia were watching tv when Spencer got a text from Andre

A : you lied , Jasmine wasn't all up on you , you were all up on her

Spencer rolled his eyes when he got that message before pausing the movie "noo why did you do that " Olivia whined "baby I need to tell you what happened today" Spencer said "wassup?" Olivia replied with Spencer telling her everything before showing her the messages "wow" Olivia said "right him and Jasmine need to move along with their lying asses" Spencer said "let me text him back I got something I want to say " Olivia said with Spencer handing her his Phone

Me : listen here Andre my man knows better not to mess with no female while he's with me especially Jasmine's hoe ass , so can y'all just move tf on and tell your girl to stay away from my man or else I'll give her another KNOT #disrespectfully

Andre : tell Spencer to stay away from Jasmine or else imma be all up on you

Me : boy bye

This man is something else Olivia said showing Spencer the messages with Spencer laughing "you ain't going on nowhere, your stuck with me" Spencer laughed with Olivia laughing with him "true that" Olivia said

Andre is so stupid💀💀, but I hope guys enjoyed this chapter if you have any requests please comment <3

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