Dont fight it

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it was the next day and spelivia and jimone were at ihop eating breakfast "we should go out tonight" Simone said "like where?" Olivia asked with Simone thinking "how bout we go to a club , I heard they have really big and nice ones in Vegas" Simone said "alright " Olivia said before Spencer nodded as well as Jordan

few hours went by and spelivia and jimone were chilling at their hotel when there was a knock at the door "I'll get it" Olivia said getting up but Spencer grabbed her arm "you sure?" Spencer asked "yes babe" Olivia said before Spencer let go of her arm with liv walking up to the door opening it seeing nobody but just a note on the floor

Hello my lover, I heard that you and some friends are in Vegas and surprising i live in Vegas hahaha DONT be surprised if I kiss you love your future wife <3

Olivia was at lost of words why is Rochelle doing this? Why can't see give up already? Why can't- her thoughts were interrupted when she felt Spencer taking the note from her hand before reading it feeling his blood boiling "she is so lucky she's a female " Spencer said "I'm sorry baby , I don't know why this bitch can't just move on with her life and stay out of mines" Olivia said frustrated with jimone hearing and walking towards them by the door "yall good ?" Jordan asked "nope we are not" Spencer said giving Simone the note with Jordan reading it with Simone "this bitch" Simone mumbled "crazy right?" Olivia said rolling her eyes "liv if she shows up to this club and tries to do any dumb shit I won't hesitate to beat her ass" Simone said meaning every word

the girls were now getting ready "girl you look gorgeous " Simone said with Olivia wearing a all black silk short dress fitting her curves perfectly "thanks girl" Olivia said before hugging Simone "now let me do your makeup " Simone said excitedly with Olivia smiling and nodding

"Alright I'm done" Simone said before Turing Olivia's chair around so she could look at her self in the mirror "oh my gosh Simone , I love it"Olivia said while smiling with simone chuckling softly "thanks  girl I'm glad you love it" Simone said before Olivia got up and hugged her

the girls and boys drove separately . Jordan and spencer got there first and were inside the club talking when their girls walked in with Spencer staring at Olivia mesmerized by her beauty He couldn't keep his eyes off of her as she walked towards him it  "hello my love" Olivia said going up to Spencer giving him a kiss before pulling away "baby you are so gorgeous " Spencer said with Olivia blushing with Simone giving Jordan a hug

Spelivia and jimone were now eating French fries and talking "I got to go to the bathroom" Olivia said before getting up "okay be safe babe" Spencer said before Olivia kissed his cheek

Olivia was washing her hands when she got a text , she dried her hands and picked her phone up seeing a text from an unknown #

unknown # : I love your hair I can't wait to pull it tonight 😏

When Olivia got the message she felt her heart dropped she quickly opened the door seeing Rochelle "hey babe" Rochelle said before grabbing Olivia's neck and pinning her against the wall in the bathroom closing the door kissing Olivia passionately with Olivia trying to pull away "get the fuck off of me" Olivia said but Rochelle was too strong  "stop trying to fight it baby" Rochelle said before putting her finger inside of Olivia's panties fingering her roughly with Olivia crying

meanwhile Spencer and jimone were worried about Olivia since she hadn't come back from the bathroom yet "she's not answering her phone " Spencer said worried "I'm going to check the bathroom " simone said " We're coming with you" Spencer said before getting up with Jordan and heading to the bathroom

ugh poor liv , but Simone is definitely going to Handel Rochelle's ass , anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter <3

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