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We once thought that if Gods exist, they are neither kind nor merciful. Being the most superior and powerful above humans' rationality and existence, they are arrogant.

I thought just now. No. The more that you lack something, the more you thirst for it. You want it and will do anything for it.

Humans don't have real freedom. So they struggle for power in a vain attempt for control. And when they thought that  they had been bestowed by that power, which is by the way limited, arrogance fill their hearts. Wanting more... more...

It's better to let a beggar starve rather feed it with delicious foods for a day. Their taste buds can neve go back to the way it used to be. They realize that spoiled rice is disgustingly sour to taste and acidic to smell. And from now on, they will only eat burgers.

But Gods.... they don't know how is it to be powerless. Power is a normal thing. It always has been for them now and forever. They'll not change. What they have is eternal and infinite.

There is no hunger. There is no thirst. There is no desire. Nothing. It's just like that ever since.

Humans are half-filled. Gods are full. We are finite. They are infinite. We are fools. They don't commit errors. We change our colors, while they remain.
So, there is no arrogance in Deities.

Twisted thoughtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon