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                 Ki-bound and drained of all the energy within me, I'm actually petrified as an evil looking Vegeta stalks towards me. The warm eyes that I once knew and loved were gone, replaced with this insatiable bloodlust.

"You scared, clown? You look scared." Crawling on top of me so he is now in my lap, he roughly grips me by my chin.

"Why are you doing this, Vegeta? Huh? What have I ever done to you?" My head snaps to the side after the last word leaves my mouth, making my bottom lip split from the impact.

"Why am I doing this to you?" He chuckles, punching me yet again. "Is that supposed to be a joke?" My head is throbbing and I've lost count of how many blows he's dealt out. Coughing out blood, I dazedly answer his rhetorical question.

"Th-the joke is yo-you. You kidnapped me and bound me to your bed just to beat me senseless?"

Vegeta cackles, my words seemingly have no effect on him. "Beat you senseless? My sincerest apologies. Sit tight for a sec." Like I have a choice.

Hopping off of my bruised body, he leaves me without another word and is gone for just a minute. When he comes back, I'm frozen with overwhelming fear, much more intense than I had felt earlier.

He's holding a dull-looking trench knife, strutting back to his place on my lap with malicious intent. "Mmm. Now, where were we? Since apparently my fists have become rather trivial." Oh... shit...

The pain is excruciating, so much so, that I have nothing else to compare it to as he makes a single stride across my abdomen. Crimson blood quickly trickles from the wound, Vegeta gazing at it awestricken.

I breathe through my teeth harshly, blinking rapidly to keep from screaming out in utter anguish. I wouldn't dare give him the satisfaction of that.

"Relax, clown." He coos hoarsely, eyebrows furrowed to feign concern when I grunt at a particular slit near my throat. "I know where and how to cut. You won't die. What fun would that be?"

Suddenly, my pants are being tugged off, leaving me only in my briefs. "What's this?" He gasps, trailing the knife slowly down my thighs and making small but painful incisions along the way.

"Heh, I knew it. You're pathetic." My boxers are removed before I can even process that I'm disturbingly aroused.

But my comprehension of this situation is a bit twisted and I find myself throwing his own maniacal laughter back in his face. He cocks his head at me, that demented smirk never leaving.

"Something amusing, Kakarot? Do share."

"Hah-h-hah haha. You... You're one to talk. Your deplorable effort to hide how hard you are admiring your handiwork is truly astonishing. Bravo, Vegeta. Well done." The roles have reversed entirely now, with him rigid and silent. I'm still howling with crazed chortling, unable to help myself.

"My, my. Have I taken a shot at your confidence? That certainly wasn't my intention. Here, I'll close my eyes so that your prolonged, sadistic task of killing me will be much easier. Maybe your hard-on will dissipate as well, heh. Ready?" Darkness now replaces the dingy light that surrounded me and I'm still smirking all the while.

That is, until, a warm tongue glides down my aching member. A startled gasp falls from my lips, followed by groans as he travels all around my cock.

"You don't seem to be laughing anymore." He is so damn lucky I can't get my hands on him. All I really can do is hiss in pleasure, his skilled, moist muscle pushing me to the edge.

Then it stops, abruptly. And it's replaced with him. On top of me.

"C'mon. Laugh some more." He challenges but he can't keep his composure as well as he'd like. His face is scrunched up in pleasure, his hands wandering my bloody body.

"Vegeta." I moan, unable to stop myself when he raises his body up and then slams back down. There are no more smart comments from him. We're both stuck in this ecstasy, lust filled moment, panting, waiting to see who will break first...

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